At 10am on the 25th of July 2016 my cousin kate Sloan and her partner Andy Goodall welcomed the adorable and much waited for jacob into this world via cesarean section , he was a very stubborn 16 days late!
all wonderful healthy 8lb 6oz of him.
Kate , Andy and wee Jacob had a few and much too short wonderful weeks at home .
At 4 weeks jacob wasnt gaining as much weight as he should be and was given medication for reflux . At the appointment the consultant noticed his eye wouldn't close properly ,he was booked in for an ultrasound to check for meubius syndrome ( damaged facial nerves) After a lovely weekend at home with their wee character on tuesday the 5th of september jacob started being sick and kate took him to hospital to get his medication tweeked . They kept them in as a precaution as Jacob had lost weight and decided to do the ultrasound while he was there.
The ultrasound showed a cystic structure which they were told was from a stroke or bleed on the brain in the womb, an mri was carried out on friday which showed a mass and jacob was sent to the specialist neuro paediatric team at Southhampton hospital .
To quote kate " things went from 0-100 in a nano second"
Yesterday Jacob at 6 and a half weeks old , weighing only 9lb 7oz went through 6 hour operation on his brain.
Somehow Jacob made it through and survived the night. Surgeons believe they have removed upto 95% of the tumour which is incredible news.
However the fight has only just begun, Kate and andy have no idea what the future holds for Jacob if he makes it through this, he has a rare congenital agressive tumour and they are understandibly taking things minute by minute. He is in intensive care on a ventilator, will need a shunt put in his brain and needs to be tube fed due to a floppy larynx.
On Wednesday Kate and Andy had a naming ceremony for Jacob.
They are desperate to get married as kate can't bear the thought of Jacob leaving her and having a different name.
I dunno about you,but i can't bear that thought. No one should have to worry about money at a time like this.
Kate , Andy and Jacob need our help ! Kate was made redundant in December and Andy is self employed and doesn't earn if he is not working . It really is a a desperate situation . Anything you can give will be massively appreciated. #keepfightingjacob