Cydniey's Medication $ Post-Hack
Donation protected
Meet Cydniey,
Cydniey is an Artist/Writer/Photographer/Performer with Schizoaffective Disorder. As she likes to put it, “Schizophrenia on the rocks, with a Depression chaser.” She has been sick since she was a child. Right now she is on a very strict medication regimen that has kept her out of inpatient treatment centers for two consecutive years. Her Doctor currently feels she is doing very well on her medications in an outpatient setting. In the interest of full disclosure, Cydniey takes the anti psychotic Seroquel, a companion medication called Topamax, the mood stabilizer, Cymbalta, and Xanax for anxiety. She is taking the maximum dosage of three of these medications to remain stable. This is the most success she has had in more than 30 years.
She has been socializing recently on Twitter. She found a group of activists with a cause she could get behind: "Alerting Rush Limbaugh's sponsors to the hate and fear he spews", as she will happily tell anyone. A simple First Amendment thing. The free market at work. So she Tweets and Retweets for the cause of #stoprush. We suspect her volunteer work with them may have something to do with what has happened. . .
This week, she came under cyber attack. A breach in her bank account (that is used exclusively for her SSI checks to go into), that then led to two overdraft fees the bank will not forgive her for, despite the hack (look for updates on this). Later in the day, someone also tried to hijack her web domain. But that's not the important part.
The important part is that Cydniey is out $110 (of $785 total per month). Looking at the next month, hers is a choice between medication and food, tampons, toilet paper and toothpaste. Her portion of the bills will not be covered. This seemingly measly $110 is about 1/8 of the money she has to survive for the next 30 days ( and her rent is $550).
We think, because of the strange details of the "hack", that she was targeted because she is so out and loud about her mental illness. What she sees as empowering, other people see as a big painted target on her forehead. She refuses to acknowledge stigma, or how it might affect her negatively. It doesn't occur to her that someone would take advantage of, or try to mess with someone just because their brain is "bruised". Unfortunately she is getting a harsh lesson.
She doesn't want us to do this for her, but we feel we must try to help her recoup anything she can.
As far as how she is doing . . . she is trying to hold it together and be strong, act like the violation is no big deal. But her Care Giver and I fear things are much different inside of her. I think it's much more like the linked video, a piece she wrote and later performed from inside of psychotic episodes.
Thank you for reading this far. If you care to give, thank you ever so. And if you don't, still, thanks for reading.
– Kristin
Dreams Are Not Dreams - A spoken word piece by Cydniey
Cydniey is an Artist/Writer/Photographer/Performer with Schizoaffective Disorder. As she likes to put it, “Schizophrenia on the rocks, with a Depression chaser.” She has been sick since she was a child. Right now she is on a very strict medication regimen that has kept her out of inpatient treatment centers for two consecutive years. Her Doctor currently feels she is doing very well on her medications in an outpatient setting. In the interest of full disclosure, Cydniey takes the anti psychotic Seroquel, a companion medication called Topamax, the mood stabilizer, Cymbalta, and Xanax for anxiety. She is taking the maximum dosage of three of these medications to remain stable. This is the most success she has had in more than 30 years.
She has been socializing recently on Twitter. She found a group of activists with a cause she could get behind: "Alerting Rush Limbaugh's sponsors to the hate and fear he spews", as she will happily tell anyone. A simple First Amendment thing. The free market at work. So she Tweets and Retweets for the cause of #stoprush. We suspect her volunteer work with them may have something to do with what has happened. . .
This week, she came under cyber attack. A breach in her bank account (that is used exclusively for her SSI checks to go into), that then led to two overdraft fees the bank will not forgive her for, despite the hack (look for updates on this). Later in the day, someone also tried to hijack her web domain. But that's not the important part.
The important part is that Cydniey is out $110 (of $785 total per month). Looking at the next month, hers is a choice between medication and food, tampons, toilet paper and toothpaste. Her portion of the bills will not be covered. This seemingly measly $110 is about 1/8 of the money she has to survive for the next 30 days ( and her rent is $550).
We think, because of the strange details of the "hack", that she was targeted because she is so out and loud about her mental illness. What she sees as empowering, other people see as a big painted target on her forehead. She refuses to acknowledge stigma, or how it might affect her negatively. It doesn't occur to her that someone would take advantage of, or try to mess with someone just because their brain is "bruised". Unfortunately she is getting a harsh lesson.
She doesn't want us to do this for her, but we feel we must try to help her recoup anything she can.
As far as how she is doing . . . she is trying to hold it together and be strong, act like the violation is no big deal. But her Care Giver and I fear things are much different inside of her. I think it's much more like the linked video, a piece she wrote and later performed from inside of psychotic episodes.
Thank you for reading this far. If you care to give, thank you ever so. And if you don't, still, thanks for reading.
– Kristin
Dreams Are Not Dreams - A spoken word piece by Cydniey
Cydniey Buffers
Las Vegas, NV