Foto principal de la recaudación de fondos

Kula's 3rd Birthday!

On May 14th, we turn 3 years old! This is a very big milestone in start-up non-profit world, and we want to celebrate that! 

Over the next two weeks, our goal is for 300 people to give us a birthday present of $30, totallying $9,000.

These funds will be used to expand our work in Rwanda, as we seek to far exceed our original goal of working with 50 families, and instead, work with 115 families. 

We are extraordinarily grateful to each of you that have supported us over the last three years. The Kula family of supporters have stepped up time and time again for us, and through that, we've been able to accomplish some amazing things. Thank you!


  • Anónimo
    • $150
    • 9 yrs


Sarah Buchanan
Atlanta, GA
Kula Project

Un sitio fácil, eficaz y de confianza donde encontrar ayuda

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