Recovery Fund for Lisa Viering
Donation protected

While traveling home from the North Shore on Tuesday June 24 2014, Lisa Blanque Viering was involved in a horrific car crash that left her lying on the roadside struggling for her life. The other driver lost control of his SUV causing him to run off the road, overcorrecting to cross into the oncoming traffic, and ram into driver side of Lisa’s vehicle. She was medivaced to the trauma center in New Orleans.
This was the beginning of her fight to survive. Lisa laid in trauma ICU for almost 2 weeks before the first of many surgeries. Her orbital sockets were reconstructed, due to several of the bones being crushed and broken. She has lost her right eye, which had been severed during the impact. Hopefully, sight will be restored in the left eye, but this will be addressed in the future. Lisa experienced a lengthy hospitalization and rehabilitation to prepare for her return home.
Once home, life began with weekly doctor appointments, coordinating the home health team, providing around the clock care, and applying for services such as those offered from Light House of the Blind.
The other driver has been issued tickets for the accident. He remains incarcerated due to the severity of Lisa's injuries. His punishment and penance cannot restore Lisa’s sight.
Unfortunately, there is NOT enough insurance to meet the medical and other costs to date. The hospital has placed a substantial medical lien should Lisa be awarded anything through the legal system. Lisa’s family is experiencing financial hardship due to these expenses. The donations made through Go Fund Me would be applied towards the medical care, supportive services, housing, and transportation as these needed things have greatly changed since Lisa’s loss of sight. It has been six months since the accident and the financial burdens are mounting. Now she must learn how to navigate life in darkness. This twist of fate often brings blue days.
Lisa will overcome difficulties by finding new abilities to share with others in time. She is a woman who always finds the brighter days. Her overall character, humor, and wit remain intact! She has become a source of inspiration for others whom she has befriended on this journey. Her family and friends remain hopeful that future medical procedures will restore sight to her left eye. Lisa has always been resourceful and overcoming of the worst odds. The financial aid is desperately needed. Any and all donations are welcome and greatly appreciated.
Please read the testimonies about Lisa’s character pre-accident.
"20 year ago I was fortunate to meet an amazing woman. I am married. At the time I had a young child and an Alzheimer's mother along with my husband I was caring for. I met this amazing woman, Lisa Viering at a Pow Wow. She consoled me when I needed. I also have a daughter who was married and living out of town. I had some hard times. Whenever I needed to know something, I called Lisa. She took my mothers place in my life, being she is older than I am. There was never a question I asked that she could not answer for me. She is my rock. 8 years ago I had to put my mother in a nursing home, I could no longer care for her. Lisa saw me and begged me to go see my doctor in April of 2007. I stayed at campground all weekend. Monday morning, my husband took me to hospital with a heart attack. All these years Lisa has assisted me with my health. She helped me set up my craft booth. Sell all day and broke it down each evening. I knew she went into doctor and dentist offices, took out exam chairs, worked to reupholster them and return them before they reopened on Monday. She was so much more mobile and active than I was. She even taught my youngest daughter to do auto upholstery for her senior project. This also boosted my daughters self-worth and moral. Lisa cooked for her family. Lisa also cooked for over 300 people at least 3 times a year at Native American Gatherings. I shockingly learned my best friend was unable to read her entire life. Getting her high school diploma with oral testing. I also know Lisa did auto body work and painting. Lisa can fix her own car. I asked her how she knew all she did if she was unable to read. She replied "I get books on tape". Gee, I felt very stupid. Lisa has shown and taught me so much about life and living. She taught me gardening I never found in books. Lisa also is a wonderful seamstress. Never needs a pattern, just material and an idea. She turned old satellite dishes into patio umbrellas. Repaired the roll out patio cover on the camper. Lisa is also an amazing artist. Painting everything for the walls in your home to umbrellas, hats and clothing. Her flowers look so real, the animals are she paints are lovely. I know some of her artwork sold. Lisa is amazing. She is not bitter about being blind. She fees lucky to be alive. Lisa is a much stronger person than I am. I cried when I heard about her accident. Took me 2 weeks to go see my dearest best friend in the hospital. Hooked up to all the machines, wires and tubes running in her nose, mouth and connected to her body. Seeing her beautiful face chopped in half. I cried so hard knowing she WOULD loose her right eye. Praying her left eye would survive. Here we are a year later. Last night I cried after watching a fireworks display, for Lisa, may never see one again. She has lost her skills to make money. To help her husband support themselves.. To never see her great granddaughter grow up. She will no longer call me and say "Gumbos on!" and I go eat some of the best there is. Lisa can no longer walk across the room form her legs and hip being damaged. She cannot make a sandwich, pick her blueberries, sew, paint, watch a movie, see the sunset. We will never go fishing together again. Lisa has lost a lifetime of experiences. She even taught me how to make jewelry from beer can bottoms that look wonderful. She has too many skills to list. She will never get to tell me about my crafts and art. She will never enjoy my beadwork again. Loosing her eyesight has deeply impacted not only her life. But the life of her daughter, granddaughter, and great granddaughter. But also the lives of dozens of people who know and love her. People who depend on her for help when we hit a tough spot in a craft or a job application. Again, she is an Amazing Woman who I am proud to call my friend."
-Linda Ransome
"Lisa has been a dear friend for over a year. she's funny and smart, quick with a joke and generous to a fault. the accident was horrifying and lisa works hard to stay upbeat for herself and everyone else. she's always there for me. I'm grateful for her friendship and committed to helping her in any way I can."
Dear Misty:
There isn't anyone I would rather writer a letter or commendation for. Your mother is one of the kindest, most generous people on earth. She has personally suffered greatly from many ailments that would have completely incapacitated anyone, but instead of feeling sorry for herself, she has worked not only to support herself, but volunteered to help SpayMart, a sanctuary for rescued animals.
I first met Lisa Viering while saving lost, abandoned and abused animals. She gave willingly of her time, energy, home and love to the many animals who came to her, often on their very last legs. When I learned of Lisa's own personal handicaps, I was overwhelmed by how generous she was. Her thoughts were always of ways she could help those who needed her help.
Lisa is a heroine. She is my heroine. Recently, she lost both her eyes and yet is still cheerful and attempting to live a "normal" life. She has no money, no home and no way to earn a living because of her many handicaps, yet continues to help starving and injured animals. This is an extraordinary woman. Her courage is boundless.
If you would consider helping her and helping her to help those she's taken under her wings, I am sure you would receive tremendous blessings. Please consider sending her whatever you can to help her - she is an exceptional person and deserving of help from others.
Pam Casey
[email redacted]
Nola Misty
New Orleans, LA