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Help a Struggling Family Keep Their Home
This campaign has become a last-ditch effort to keep our family in our home. I'm being told that these crowdfunding campaigns have little to no chance of working but I need to try whatever I can and pray for some divine intervention.. My name is Ed Harper and I am asking for whatever help you can possibly provide us. We're now 3 months behind on the mortgage, 4 months behind on the HOA dues and a couple of months behind on every other bill we have. The collection calls have been going on for awhile now and I fear that it only a matter of time before the home is taken away from us.
The Main Reason For This Campaign
The person I am most concerned for, if we lose the home, is my fiancee's mother Irma. She's 93 years old and the sweetest woman you would ever meet. Everyone that knows her loves her (she's the one in the the picture). She's had a rough go of it over the last few years. She had a battle with colon cancer that she survived, thank God, but it ultimately cost her her home of over 40 years due to the fact that her daughter had to quit working in order to take care of her. She hadn't been able to leave the house in years, so moving day (after the foreclosure) was very traumatic. She is now very happy living in this house with her daughter and myself. She has her own bedroom (for the first time in a long time) that she loves and her own bathroom. Since she doesn't get around very well it's the perfect setup for her. I can't stand the idea of having to put her through another move, after only a year and a half, let alone where we'll be forced to live if we do lose this home. Luckily, so far, she doesn't know how bad the situation is that were in, otherwise she would worry so much about the future that she wouldn't be able to sleep and make herself sick like she did before. I thought I was doing something good by bringing her here and providing some stability to her life and now this has happened.
The Root Of Our Problems
I've been a courier for the past 20 years and I have used my various cars to make my living. I have never had a problem making enough money, until recently. Six months ago, the company I worked for lost a big client. It affected me directly, so I was let go after working for them for almost 10 years (no loyalty whatsoever). We have been getting by on Irma's social security check alone until I can find a new job.
There Is A Light At The End Of The Tunnel
After numerous applications, I recently found a company that I can go to work for immediately. This job would provide the income necessary to pay the bills and keep our household viable and profitable. However, to do so would require that some repairs have to be made to my car in order for it to be deemed safe enough to drive for them. The cost of the repairs to my car is estimated to be around $1,000.00.
How You Can Help
For us to get funding, we need your support.
If you can just donate a few dollars it will help our family immensely in this time of need. Please don't let this bump in the road affect our future. Please breathe life back into this family and we will take every dollar donated and use it to repair my car, get the job and get caught up on our delinquent bills. It will assist us with the cost of getting our lives back together and returning to normalcy. More importantly you get the chance to change our family's lives.
This campaign needs pledging but above all it needs your attention and interest! Help us spread the word and get things started. Please know your efforts, even the smallest, don’t go unnoticed. We will continue to keep you posted on what your donation helped us achieve. You are part of our family.
If you cannot donate at his time, there are still many ways to help us fund our campaign! Please share our story via social media, email and word of mouth to tell your friends about our campaign. Thank you in advance.
Edgar Harper
Denver, CO