Make Michael Mobile
Michael Straw is a fully disabled American veteran who served for his country in the Vietnam War with the United States Marine Corps. During his time there, he was infected with the deadly Agent Orange chemical that has taken the lives of hundreds of thousands of soldiers.
He's suffers from kidney disease, diabetes, degenerative bone disease and has undergone heart surgery and a lung transplant all because of this terrible chemical that was sprayed.
One of the only places of solace he truly has is campsite in Caledonia, NY. He has friends out there that he enjoys talking with, but unless they come to him, he doesn't get to see them. He can't walk very far, and gets dizzy/winded easily. That being said, I have started this go fund me campaign to raise money to help make the caring husband, and most dedicated father, mobile again.
We are raising money to get him a golf cart so he can see his friends and enjoy the time he has. This is a man that has made the largest possible sacrifice you can, and it's time he gets a thank you for what he's done.
I'm asking for help in getting Michael a golf cart to increase his mobility, allowing him to visit his friends, not just as a concerned individual, but as his son.
Please consider helping us today. Every little bit matters. Thank you!