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MAP Training My Brain™ is a brain fitness program that helps women (and men) recover from stress, trauma, depression and anxiety.
MAP Training My Brain™ is a scientifically-proven training program that combines meditation and aerobic exercise. It only take one hour twice a week and yet it significantly decreases depression, anxiety and traumatic thoughts about the past (maptrainmybrain.com ). MAP Training also increases self-worth and perceived quality of life -- as well brain activity and cognitive control. Moreover, the combination of mental and physical training is more effective than either activity on its own. It has been featured in news outlets, including the New York Times and Washington Post -- and yet we still need funding to get it out in the world for people to use.
We have been providing this program to people from all walks of life, many of whom can't afford to pay for it. For example, we have been leading classes for people with depression, trauma, and anxiety, as well as people with every day stress and worries. We are about to begin a project to help women and men who were infected with HIV during childbirth -- having endured innumerable traumas because of it. Please help us help them and all the others who are seeking help.
The MAP Training program is a 6-week program. It has been trademarked and even incorporate and we have published numerous studies on it -- but we simply do not have funds to get it to all the people who want and need it. We get requests every single day!
Our goal is to raise 10K by the end of 2019. With this money, we can provide MAP Training to groups in person and through our "train the trainer" program, as well as our new videomanual.
Seriously, we use very penny to help others learn how to MAP Train their brain. So far, we have been doing this mostly out of our own pocket.
Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!
-Dr. Shors and the MAP Training team
MAP Training My Brain™ is a scientifically-proven training program that combines meditation and aerobic exercise. It only take one hour twice a week and yet it significantly decreases depression, anxiety and traumatic thoughts about the past (maptrainmybrain.com ). MAP Training also increases self-worth and perceived quality of life -- as well brain activity and cognitive control. Moreover, the combination of mental and physical training is more effective than either activity on its own. It has been featured in news outlets, including the New York Times and Washington Post -- and yet we still need funding to get it out in the world for people to use.
We have been providing this program to people from all walks of life, many of whom can't afford to pay for it. For example, we have been leading classes for people with depression, trauma, and anxiety, as well as people with every day stress and worries. We are about to begin a project to help women and men who were infected with HIV during childbirth -- having endured innumerable traumas because of it. Please help us help them and all the others who are seeking help.
The MAP Training program is a 6-week program. It has been trademarked and even incorporate and we have published numerous studies on it -- but we simply do not have funds to get it to all the people who want and need it. We get requests every single day!
Our goal is to raise 10K by the end of 2019. With this money, we can provide MAP Training to groups in person and through our "train the trainer" program, as well as our new videomanual.
Seriously, we use very penny to help others learn how to MAP Train their brain. So far, we have been doing this mostly out of our own pocket.
Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!
-Dr. Shors and the MAP Training team
Shors Lab
Piscataway, NJ