Bridget Bobby & Anthony's Trip Home
My name's Bridget and I live in Nashville, TN, with my husband Bobby and my son Anthony. Anthony served a nine-month tour of duty in Egypt and, as a result, suffers from severe PTSD. He moved in with Toby and me last year to get treatment from a local VA hospital here in Nashville.
In late December of last year, Bobby and Anthony were rear-ended by a car traveling at 80 mph. The car that hit Bobby and Anthony burst into flames, and Anthony would not go to the hospital until he pulled the driver out and checked on other drivers nearby. Anthony is out of the hospital for his injuries and back in the VA hospital to continue his PTSD treatments. Bobby got the worst of the impact, not the least of which is his likely never being able to walk again without a walker.
I have been working a small part-time job, but the loss of Bobby's and Anthony's incomes resulted in a 90% loss of income for our household, and we now have no health insurance. Additionally, we were told today (Friday the 13th, no less) that we are being evicted and have ten days to leave.
We would like to return to where our family and friends are, in New Jersey, and need help in moving and initial health costs. We have lived in modest means and have never lived beyond our means. We have simply had a string a bad luck and need help in moving forward from all these setbacks.