Mission 587
WHAT: On June 29, 2018 the historic NKP 587 steam engine became one of nearly 100 pieces of historic railroad equipment that was put in jeopardy by a judge's order for the Indiana Transportation Museum to vacate their long-term home within 2 weeks.
WHO: In an effort to rescue the locomotive and protect it for future restoration, the Kentucky Steam Heritage Corporation has graciously offered their assistance by helping to relocate the 587 to their new facility in Ravenna, KY.
WHY: Costs to move the locomotive, tender, and all associated parts have exceeded original estimates due to challenges with determining accurate equipment weights for permitting (local government agencies prohibited use of the railroad so all transportation was over-the-road) and long-than-expected transport preparation and delivery times.
YOU can help support the move of this historically significant engine by contributing toward the transportation cost overages.
Please consider a donation today today.
The entire fundraising campaign for NKP 587 will consist of 4 phases:
Phase I: Relocate - to a safe location in Kentucky.
Phase II: Restore - to operational condition.
Phase III: Return - to active excursion service.
Phase IV: Reserve - money for the next 15-year rebuild.