Help Our Monastery Grow
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Recently, a providential opportunity to expand our monastery opened up to us! The 77 acre valley/farm just behind our 3 acre schoolyard and chapel went up for sale. This addition will fulfill our needs for expansion in many areas: the elementary school and playing fields for sports programs, much needed living quarters to handle the incoming vocations, and devotional shrines.
Just this summer, we received a gift of outdoor Stations of the Cross! The stations are 8 feet tall and made of granite with scenes of the way of the cross carved in marble and inset in the center of each cross. The 12th station is a life size crucifixion scene made of Carrara marble. In honor of Saint Louis de Montfort, our patron who set up a unique Calvary scene with stations leading to it, we would like to give these stations an appropriate setting.
At this point, the land acquisition is up to the bank and the amount of down payment we can make. Our total goal is $1,750,000 and we have a long way to go before we can close the deal. So far, the Father Sipperly Foundation has offered a matching gift challenge that will match gifts dollar for dollar up to a total of $100,000. We pray that you will be able to help us but we need to move quickly. Whatever you can afford would be greatly appreciated.
We have placed this endeavor in the heart of our Immaculate Mother through the intercession of Saint Philomena. During this Centenary of Our Lady’s apparitions at Fatima, please consider making a gift to help promote the promised triumph of her Immaculate Heart. All for Jesus through Mary.
The Slaves of the Immaculate Heart of Mary
Of Saint Benedict Center
P.O. Box 1000
Still River, MA. 01467
Or give on our Monastery Website!

Just this summer, we received a gift of outdoor Stations of the Cross! The stations are 8 feet tall and made of granite with scenes of the way of the cross carved in marble and inset in the center of each cross. The 12th station is a life size crucifixion scene made of Carrara marble. In honor of Saint Louis de Montfort, our patron who set up a unique Calvary scene with stations leading to it, we would like to give these stations an appropriate setting.
At this point, the land acquisition is up to the bank and the amount of down payment we can make. Our total goal is $1,750,000 and we have a long way to go before we can close the deal. So far, the Father Sipperly Foundation has offered a matching gift challenge that will match gifts dollar for dollar up to a total of $100,000. We pray that you will be able to help us but we need to move quickly. Whatever you can afford would be greatly appreciated.
We have placed this endeavor in the heart of our Immaculate Mother through the intercession of Saint Philomena. During this Centenary of Our Lady’s apparitions at Fatima, please consider making a gift to help promote the promised triumph of her Immaculate Heart. All for Jesus through Mary.
The Slaves of the Immaculate Heart of Mary
Of Saint Benedict Center
P.O. Box 1000
Still River, MA. 01467
Or give on our Monastery Website!

Sister Katherine Mueller
Still River, MA
Saint Benedict Center