iPad's power unleashed by mount for w/c

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When I purchased my first iPad a couple years ago, it made a huge impact on my life at home because of its size and incredible accessibility features. I instantly switched from using a traditional PC to using just my iPad. The true power of the iPad (all right, tablets in general if you're an Android fan), however, is unleashed in its portability. Taking it wherever you go so you can get things done wherever you are is awesome, if you have the physical ability to carry it around and have it in front of you when you need it. I simply don't have that ability (just a fact), and I have to rely on others to get my iPad out and set it up when I'm out; I actually don't use it when I'm out because of this. Until now...

I've always been looking for a way to mount my iPad to my wheelchair, but all the solutions I have found have been either too flimsy or to cumbersome to use independently. For the past several days, however, I've been trying this awesome mounting system called the Mount'n Mover, which allows me to not only have my iPad accessible to me at all times, but I can independently move it to virtually any position & angle I need.

I'm also able to communicate effectively with even people who can't understand me, letting me interact with store clerks, restaurant servers, and more without help. The might sound trivial to most people but for me it is truly life-changing!

I can even take pictures & videos of my family and anything happening around me. This truly is an awesome benefit that I don't want to lose!

Here are a couple pictures I've taken...they're not really special other than the fact that they are the first ones I've taken independently in many, many many years...

I'm supposed to send this evaluation mount back on 11/22 (the company graciously extended it after seeing this page), but I really don't want to be without it very long. In a very short period of time, it has become an invaluable extension of my body, in some ways even more so than my wheelchair. I'm trying to raise $1500 for all the parts of the mount that I will need (the build-quality of this mount definitely justifies the cost!) and another $300 for a power adapter which will let me charge my iPad directly from my wheelchair batteries.

Anyhow, thank you for your consideration and I hope you will decide to help me keep this newfound independence.

God bless!


Kevin Berg
Auburn, WA

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