Newark Students Union
Fund us so that we can continue to build our union and be able to fully address the needs and issues that students in Newark go through on a daily basis.
The Newark Students Union is an organization founded by and for Newark students with the goals of protecting student rights, ensuring we receive a quality education, and empowering the student voice in the political process.
We the students of the NPS, in order to establish and protect or rights, form student unity, voice our concerns and grievances, promote active participation in the policy making process, and to secure the integrity of our education for ourselves and for future students do establish the Newark Students Union.
For too long, the policies that have been put into effect or are in being proposed have or plan to do nothing to fully address the needs and issues that students in Newark go through on a daily basis. For too long we as students are just being told to let the system solve its problems but at the same time, the same problems they try to solve are the same ones we're being forced to endure for the sake of a better education. If we as students are supposed to reach our highest potential, then we as students should have the right to have a form of representation so we can truly achieve our fullest potential and be the next leaders of the world, and that is why we are staring the Newark Students Union. The revolution starts now!!!
-Labor Notes Chicago Conference
-#OccupyNPS Sit-in
-2014 L.A. Empower Education Conference
-Participated in many Mayoral Debates between Ras Baraka and Shavar Jeffries
-#NJEDMarch27 Protest
-Spoke at NPS Board Meetings
-Held our own Mayoral Debate with all four candidates running at the time
-Held Parent Hall and community meetings
-NPS Boycott 2013
-2013 California Education Conference
-Philadelphia Education Strike
-NPS Walkout 2013
Like our Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/NewarkStudentsUnion/
Follow us on Twitter @NewarkStudents
Follow us on Tumblr: http://n-s-u.tumblr.com/
Contact Hector Maldonado - Fundraising Officer if you have any questions at [email redacted]
You may also contact our President Kristin Towkaniuk through our Facebook page.