Building a Strong Foundation
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What started out as a fundraising campaign, is transforming into a full-time ministry!
Over a year ago God spoke to me about the forgotten women and children that are trapped as sex slaves in Kolkata, India. That one powerful moment with God was a catalyst that started an awareness and fundraising campaign to help a small ministry in Asia's largest redlight district. Since then, God has unfolded His plan to use my husband and I to start a full-time ministry in this same redlight district.

After I moved from the US to India, marrying my now husband, Agniswar, we started researching and planning how to start such a ministry that could be permanently based in the redlight area. We found out fairly quickly that the Indian goverment requires you to have Indian NGO registration before starting any kind of ministry like this. Going in without registration is not only illegal, but dangerous because of the high criminal rate activity in this area. (known as Sonagachi) Anyone who comes in to start a new ministry will be intimidated and questioned by pimps, gang members and other locals as to what gives you the right to be here.
This led us to prayer and ask God how we could achieve such registration within a resonable amount of time and how, with all the requirements the goverment has, to become a registred NGO.
As usual....God already had a plan.

We were approached by two YWAM (Youth With A Mission) bases, asking us to join thier staff, go through thier training and do everything we planned on doing in the redlight district, but as a YWAM ministry. After prayer and processing, God has again shown how this has always been His plan. Joining YWAM allows us to keep our ministry name (Not Forgotten) but still use thier registration, recruit our team from thier Disipleship schools and staff at ANY of thier bases around the globe and to have a massive Christian missions community with the same values, mission and decades of experience to be the foundation we build our ministry upon.
For this all to take place, Agniswar (or Ags for short) and I need to travel back to the US to 1. have a US wedding. (we had our Indian one in Jan) 2. Share our vision with the Christian community, and 3. Fund raise for the next step for Not Forgotten.
After the US, we plan to head to the YWAM Byron Bay base in Australia for: 1. Ags to go through the dicipleship training for 6 months (I will staff the same school), 2. share about Not Forgotten amoung the YWAM bases in Australia, inviting them to send thier outreach teams to Kolkata for us to host, and 3. To further establish our connection and relationship with YWAM Byron Bay.
Once all this happens, we can return to India with a VERY strong foundation to build our ministry upon. It ensures the longevity of our ministry and helps propel us forward so we can begin what is in our hearts to do...bring the Gospel into Asia's largest red light district.

Please take a moment to pray and ask God if there's any way you can help us pay for our visas, airfare, travel expenses, and continuing to support Ags' family back in India as we travel to the US and Australia. Please know that ANY donation large or small is an investment into building Not Forgotten as a ministry so many many sex slaves and those with sexual addictions can be set free by the power of God.
If you want to know more about what our ministry plans are, please contact us at [email redacted] . We would LOVE to share more about what God has put on our hearts to do. If you're interested in giving but want a tax-deductable reciept, please give online at lifechristiancenter.com . If you want to recieve our newsletters or join our prayer team, contact us on our email.
YWAM and we are SO very excited about what God has in store next. Please consider being a part of it through your generous giving!
-Not Forgotten
Agniswar and Rebecca Paul

Rebecca Roake Paul
Oregon City, OR