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Okera Banks OTG Essentials Clothing

Donación protegida
Hi! My name is Okera Banks, I am a Los Angeles based designer and fashion stylist to some of Hollywood's elite.  I'm the creative designer and owner for my name sake collection Okera Banks OTG Essentials.  OTG is the acronym for 'On The Go'.   My collection caters to today's swagged out sophisticated entrepreneur, businessmen/businesswomen, father/mother, caregiver and travel  jetsetter living an on the go  fast pace movement lifestyle. 

Okera Banks OTG Essentials collection  is a cohesive of comfortable,  stylish, easy travel and cool interchangeable staple essentials that can be worn multiple ways through out the day.  Ideal for any daily last minute occasion.  Okera Banks OTG Essentials is the perfect must have fast fashion essentials  for seasonal transition.  My collection was created very organically with me being the avatar for my brand.  Most of us have a story of how life can happen.  And along our journey life often hands you lemons.   My lemons came at a time while being one of Los Angeles top costume designer and stylist with multiple shows,  running my business that required me to travel and then in the midst of it all becoming a caregiver to my mother after she suffered a severe stroke that almost took her life.  All while she resided in another state 2000 miles away that would add to my work travel schedule and multiple shows.  While I would take a flight every week for the next 4 months to make health and medical life decisions.

In my profession as a costume designer and stylist days consist of early mornings, long days on set and late nights are typical.  Image for me even on longest days is a representation of my energy.  I began making lemonade out of my lemons as I became the avatar for my collection out of a necessity.  It was important to me to be able to transition my look throughout my day but  remain stylish,  cool, in interchangeable comfortable garments that still compliment my personality and personal style.  Garments that I could grab, fold, pack, toss on, layer and go became apart of my lifestyle.  The necessity to hold on to my style and vibe resonate a synergy amongst my peers while I would work.  They would soon inquire on ways to pre-order garments for themselves and request multiple colors in certain styles.  It was during these moments my collection was given life.  And through word of mouth Okera Banks OTG Essentials was developing wings.  My long hours became even longer and my desire for shoes, bags, art, new material possessions and fine dining took a back seat as I took on being my own investor, CEO, owner, creative designer, accountant, sales representative, business manager, production coordinator, publicist all while I shipped and dropped off product and still maintain my career as a stylist and costume designer to the enetertainment industry.  My priorities changed and so did my focus.  I now begin my days at the production houses by 6:30am or 7am before my work actual day begins.  I cover all expenses for my patterns, grading and marking of multiple sizes, rolls and  rolls of fabric, labels, shipping material, marketing supplies, photo shoots, models, participating and hosting mixers and on the go soirées to  create a buzz, gifting of product to taste makers, bloggers and style influencers.   Today,  I am still a one women show but now with legs.  I have an intern,  a production manager and a graphic designer who are additions to my team.  Okera Banks OTG Essentials now has more than wings but has taken off.  My mornings still begin very early and nights late while continue to style  my celebrity clients and being a caregiver.   With your donation today, my tenacity and will power will help to make Okera Banks OTG Essentials even greater and a household name. 

 I am raising money to cover production expensive for my collection that has been in existence for 3 years and is now waiting arrival in 4 boutique stores in the Los Angeles area as well as back orders from existing online orders that are currently on back order due to the new buzz and the current demand.  My delivery date for 4 of the Los Angels boutiques are 11/15, 11/30 and my back order for exsisting orders is NOW.  90% of all the items are available on my website to order today.  I have self finance my productions so that available stock is ready for orders.  I began this journey doing a small production of 7 styles.   As the company has grown so has my number of styles and color wave that are available every season which has triple my production.  I have about 21 styles and counting.  Okera Banks OTG Essentials are staple and capsule collection items that are available all season.  So keeping a ready stock for those styles are imperative.

My production delivery dates are rapidly approaching and time sensitive.  I have began the steps to prepare for this next production run.  I will be producing a minimum of 1,500 pieces that will be the total production for both my men and women collections.   Okera Banks OTG Essentials is made 100% in the USA.   Actually all of my garments are made in Los Angeles.  

I will appreciate any donations of your choice to help me reach my goal, anything starting from $20.00 less or more would be one of great help.  As a token of my appreciation.  Donations from $50.00 to $80.00 dollars will receive a 10% off gift certificate towards any online purchases.  Donations from $85.00 dollars or greater will receive a pre-select item by me that is currently available.  All donations will be put towards solely in meeting my production demands and expanding the reach of available product to current and new consumers. 

Thank you in advance for your time, support and donations!  I would love nothing more than to continue to build Okera Banks OTG Essentials to the next level of excellence so that it will become the next household designer name to the world  and inspire those the way I have been inspired through fashion, art and style. 

Check out Okera Banks OTG Essentials at

- Okera Banks
Creative Designer/Owner
Okera Banks OTG Essentials


Okera Banks
Los Angeles, CA

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