This is the sonar image that started this entire endeavor.
The "Dive for Truth" campaign has been created to raise funds for the rental of necessary equipment and costs of scientific testing to complete the exploration of the anomalous object located at the bottom of the Baltic Sea.
In 2011 the Ocean Explorer Team of wreck and salvage divers, located in Stockholm, Sweden, discovered the Baltic Anomaly as they returned from an ordinary salvage operation. As they viewed the on-board monitors connected to their side-scan sonar, trained on the sea bottom, they saw a huge out-of-place object suddenly appear on the normally featureless Baltic seabed.
Subsequently analyzing the sonar tapes they recognized that a smaller anomaly lay 200 meters from the larger main object, and both objects appeared to be connected by paths leading up to each object from a central point.
Ocean X announced this discovery on the internet, hoping that scientific experts in various fields would come forward to explore the site. After none did, the Ocean Explorer Team decided to undertake the exploration themselves beginning one year ago.
In three expeditions to the anomaly last summer the divers discovered mysterious features that to this day defy conventional explanation. Long 'corridors' with vertical walls, strange angular depressions, an abnormal "radio" signal above the object, a separation between the disc-shaped object itself and the raised seabed on which it rests, strange temperature and compass deviations, super heated organic materials on samples recovered for testing, not to mention at least one sizeable round hole in the surface going into the object, which today still remains unexplored.
Dennis Asberg and Peter Lindberg.
Owners and team leaders of OXT.

Since Ocean X's announcement of the discovery in 2011, interest in this object has blossomed worldwide. The Ocean X Team's Facebook following has climbed from a mere few hundred members to nearly 13,500.
From the very beginning a variety of theories have been expressed as to what this object might be.
Some of the more discussed theories include:
-unknown Nazi technology
-volcanoes or lava tubes
-damage left from glacial movements during the Ice Age
-a submarine base
-sunken secret technology
-ancient cultural sites from before the Ice Age
-possible pre-Ice Age mining operations
-crashed extraterrestrial technology
Many specialists in different fields and the Ocean X Team themselves generally agree that the anomalous objects are ancient, probably dating from before the Ice Age 140,000 years ago.
This image shows a dome shaped piece that protrudes from the anomaly . It has an estimated width of 10ft / 3m, length of 32ft / 10m, and a height of 15ft / 1.5m.
The Ocean Explorer team has made worldwide news headlines with news outlets such as Fox News,
Truthfall, CNN, The Huffington Post, and many others. The Ocean X Team has also performed multiple live radio interviews about the discovery.
An archive of many of the press releases about this discovery can be found here.
During the expeditions of 2012 the team managed to return with two samples from the anomaly.
The first sample was a rock removed from the surface of the object.
The results from these tests showed that it was basalt rock with traces of burnt organic material.
The Weizmann Institute of Science and the Institute of Archaeology in the Tel-Aviv University performed the tests on this sample.
More information about this sample can be viewed here.
The second sample was removed from a piece of the anomaly itself.
Tests were performed on this sample by the same Israeli scientists who identified it as an ore that is included in the "Iron oxide/hydroxide family".
The scientists' report indicated that they were puzzled to find these materials, which "would most likely be found in a modern construction, such as on a ship wreck in this case".
More information about this sample can be viewed here.
In 2012, for the first expedition since the initial discovery, the team had Titan Productions of Stockholm, Sweden join them on the expedition to assist in the making of a documentary.
The documentary was completed with the title "The Mystery Beneath". It has been released into the market this year for purchase by television networks.
Even after the documentary there are still many unanswered questions about the object. Which has led us to continue this endeavour until we can positively identify the object.
The team has put together a brief budget schedule to show the projected costs for a successful expedition.
Required Personnel:
This includes divers, ROV pilots, scientists, equipment specialists, and a film crew.
Estimated Costs: $68,420
Required Equipment:
This includes a suitable vessel, anchoring equipment, a ROV, scientific equipment, fuel & lubricants, expedition planning and management of resources, and costs of the fundraising campaign.
Estimated Costs: $219,000
Miscellaneous costs:
This includes food and fresh water, first aid supplies, and unforeseen expedition costs.
Estimated Costs: $29,830
Completed expedition estimated costs: $317,250
Won't you please help with a donation to enable the Ocean X Team to finish its exploration and research concerning this unique discovery?
It's often said that we now know much more about space than we do about what lies beneath our planet's oceans, and those who have followed this exploration from the beginning think that here we are likely to learn a great deal about the history of our planet and about nature itself.
Not only will you have the opportunity to be a part of one of the most exciting undersea discoveries of a lifetime, you will also have the opportunity to win a chance to personally join the team on this adventure, and describe it in your own words in the documentary the team will produce about the concluding expeditions. This documentary is expected to be broadcast on international television!! - a once in a lifetime opportunity for your contribution!
More detailed information about this discovery can be found on these websites:
Per Kylemark's page ( has very detailed information about this discovery to date as well as a lot of contributions by the teams followers and can be found here.
Craig Brown's page ( has lots of information regarding the timeline of this discovery and can be found here.
Here are some of the most important images that we have received from the previous expeditions. They are truly fascinating to see!!
This is the original imaged posted June 30, 2011.
This is another one of the original sonar scan images. It has been enhanced to get a clearer view of the first and second anomaly.
This is a BlueView sonar image taken of a part of the object in 2012. It clearly shows a long straight corridor, and 90 degree corners which do not normally occur in nature. More BlueView images
can be viewed here.
This is a MultiBeam sonar image that was released this year.

This image shows what appears to be a round hole on the exterior of the object.