Want to be an Investment Shark?
We are combining the power of Crowdfunding to raise money to make YOU an Equity Investor as we invest the funds in StartUp companies like a Shark on Shark Tank. CrowdShark.
Donate a small amount of money, and be part of us as we grow this business. We truly value our partners.
Or even better, Invest enough in us as an equity partner for the opportunity to be an owner investor and make money with us.
Own part of Tech Start Up Companies. Be a founding member. Be an Investor in something. Make Money.
Thanks to recent changes in Equity Crowd Funding Laws, practically anyone can now be an Equity Angel Investor or Venture Capitalist.
Have you ever watched Shark Tank , saw a business idea, and wanted to be a part of that venture? Well NOW you can! You can invest a small amount of money, and be an equity owner.
This is a gigantic opportunity to seize – utilizing our experience as technology entrepreneurs - we can boot strap startup capital, invest wisely in our technology companies, and get rich! Well, we might not get rich, but we might. The opportunity is there for us – let’s leverage it.
The solution to providing you a low cost entry point and receiving equity in a "real" Technology Start Up Company is due to Equity Crowdfunding. This was not allowed untill 2017.
This video explains the basics of Equity Crowdfunding.
Our Technology leaders have already successfully launched 4 companies, and believe we have the experience and energy to take our ideas to the NEXT level. We have a sophisticated database of names and relationships here in Dallas; with well over 100 VC contacts.
We plan on using this Campaign to raise the start up cash, allowing us to build proof of concepts of our business ideas that we can then present to local VC's, Angel Investors, and Technology Partners. We will then use this to secure Series A Funding, Series B Financing and to launch solid stable businesses. Your help and ownership will give us access to capital, hire employees, market the businesses, and get customers.
And It’s More Than Just Capital. Its truly a partnership where you as the investor CAN MAKE MONEY!There are over 100 public companies and hundreds more of venture-backed startups — potential customers and channel partners for our companies, right here in Dallas that we will be teaming up with.
The big question really is: Why have we not done this already? Just think where we might be if we had started this two years ago.
Step 1. Capital will be raised through multiple Crowdfunding Platforms (gofundme, rockethub, kickstarter, more). The money that is raised will be held by CrowdShark, and conseratively invested in smart ideas. Typically Startups in the Technology space. Each person that donates to the CrowdShark Company will either be a partner helping us grow via the smaller dollar amounts, or an Equity Investor throught the larger dollar amounts.
Step 2. A board of directors for CrowdShark, made up of industry leaders and our Equity Investors will then invest the raised money to "seed" Technology Company Startups, (3 have been identified so far). CrowdShark will retain a percentage ownership equity stake in any company that we invest in, similar to what you see on the show SharkTank.
Step 3. The Technology Startup Companies that we invest in will use the money to complete Due Diligence, Company Structure, Proof of Concepts, Legal and Tax Model completion, and to hire "minimal" employees and marketing to get the concept off the ground. We will then create campaigns to raise additional funding (Series A) with larger Venture Captial companies or additional financing (Series B).
Step 4. As those Startup Companies begin to recieve cash, and become profitable, money will start to return to CrowdShark for their initial investment and ownership, and profit dividends will then be paid back to CrowdShark Investors annually.
This is a strategic approach to building solid, conservative, profitable businesses. Our collective reach will deepen and broaden with each company, each success, each partner, each mentor, and each VC introduction and each dollar paid back to our investors.
A ton of prep work is already done and over $20K already committed. Many accelerators are on board. Our local angel investors want this. Our local venture-backed CEOs are supporting our success as well. It’s a community effort, and many key players are all in.
Leading the effort is Jory Pai, a prominent Technology Leader living in the North Dallas area. Jory served as Chief Executive Officer and founder of Mutant Shark Consulting, Inc., a leader in Enterprise Content Management, Big Data, Internet of Things, Cloud, Dev/Ops, Open Source Software, and Integration of Enterprise Applications, headquartered in Dallas, TX.
With more than 20 years of experience, Jory has built, architected, consulted and managed many large Information Management systems projects with market leaders such as USAA Bank, Walmart, BNSF Rail, American Airlines, Exxon, JB Hunt, BP, Blue Cross Blue Shield, Centerpoint Energy, Bank of Oklahoma, ANICO, Texas State Govt and many more. Prior to forming Mutant Shark, Jory worked for FileNet as a Technology Consultant, which was later acquired by IBM, and later worked as a Consultant and Solution Architect for Oracle, and Red Hat Software. In his 10 year tenure at IBM, Jory was responsible for automating and integrating many of todays Top Fortune 500 companies.
Jory is also a frequent speaker at conferences, serves on several boards including AIIM DFW Chapter and writes a regular column for clients on a variety of ideas, both practical and insightful, for making the most of Complex Enterprise Technology Software Solutions.
Investing in New Startup companies will be based on a proven Best Practices Approaches.
We are seeking contributions from people who just want to donate a little to help us get this off the ground and be part of something all the way to full fledged equity staked founding partners.
More Ways You Can Help
Donate a small amount of money, and be part of us as we grow this business.
Invest in us as an equity partner for the opportunity to be an owner investor and make money with us.
Spread the word. Entrepreneurs, Investors, Supporters of Dallas's Tech Ecosystem. Get the word out!
Join our CrowdShark community. Do you have an employee or valuable contact in Dallas that we need to me? Would they like to join the Movement? Introduce us. Let us know!
Q: I want to support this effort. How do I learn more?
A: Reach out to Jory Pai.
Q: Where does your money go?
A: A small portion of your money goes to getting CrowdShark off the ground, but the Majority is held for investing in Tech Start Ups.
Q: Doesn't it take a lot of money to launch a startup?
A: Yes. That is why we are calling it "Seed" funding. We give them enough money to build a proof of concept and then shop for VC or Financing. Think, helping a customer build something to take to Shark Tank to get investments.
Q: What do I actually own with my Investment?
A: Your money is pooled with other investors money and as a group you own a percentage of CrowdShark. Crowdshark invests money into other companies and will make money in those ventures on your behalf. As CrowdShark makes returns, you the investor in CrowdShark make returns by spreading the profits back into that pool.
Help spread the word!
It’s official: Crowdfunding is now in effect and thousands of companies and are about to start raising money under the new SEC regulations. As each company offers different deal terms for investors, it’s going to be that much more difficult for investors to make apples-to-apples investment decisions.
Some of the investment communites are still concerned that a company raising money through Crowdfunding will be hobbled in raising more money afterward, e.g., from angel groups or venture capital funds.
We want to set our investors at ease, so we will be adopting and providing a simple and standard investment structure.
Here is our proposed equal structure for standardizing our Crowdfunding strategy, satisfy SEC regulations, and ensure that the Crowdfunding round of financing does not preclude later rounds:
New Entity: Forming a new entity for the Crowdfunding investors. We’ll call this entity CrowdShark, and we’ll call the startup operating companies we invest in StartUpCo. Crowdshark will be one owner of StartUpCo, no matter how many investors buy stock in Crowdshark.
Structure of Crowdshark: CrowdShark will be either a limited liability company or a C corporation, based on tax and state-law considerations. Crowdshark will be controlled by the same individuals who control StartUpCo.
Percentage Ownership: Each investor will own a pro rata share of a pooled percentage in Crowdshark based on his or her investment. CrowdShark, in turn, will own a percentage of StartUpCo stipulated by StartUpCo in the offering materials, based on the amount of money raised and the value of StartUpCo. Establishing ownership percentage will be on case by case basis.
Voting Rights of Investors: Investors will not be entitled to vote in CrowdShark, and CrowdShark will not be entitled to vote in StartUpCo. That is, the investors in a Crowdfunded offering will have no voting rights, except the right to appoint one member to the Board of Directors of StartUpCo.
Preference on Sale or Liquidation: If StartUpCo is sold or liquidated, CrowdShark will be entitled to receive a return of its investment before any distributions are made to the other owners of StartUpCo as they exist today. If StartUpCo raises more money in the future, the rights of CrowdShark could be subordinated to the rights of the new investors.
Dividend Right: CrowdShark’s stock in StartUpCo will bear a dividend rate of at minimum 5%.
Tag-Along Rights: If the founder of StartUpCo sells some of his or her stock, CrowdShark will have the right to participate in the sale.
Anti-Dilution Rights: CrowdShark will be entitled to “weighted average” anti-dilution protection.
Right to Information: Investors will have the right to basic information from StartUpCo, such as annual financial statements. Of course, state law may give them (and any other owners) the right to additional information.
This structure should be acceptable to all of the constituents of the CrowdShark Crowdfunding campaign: the entrepreneurs who start StartUpCo's; the broad investing public that will make CrowdShark Crowdfunding a success; the angel groups that help so many startups succeed and currently anchor the early-stage market; and the venture capital funds that provide additional funds for companies that need and deserve them.