Church of Christ Vanuatu Relief
As many of you know, the nation of Vanuatu has been devastated by a category 5 cyclone. Our missionary family, Eric and Shawnda Brandell, serve tirelessly for the gospel of Christ. Fortunately, Eric and his family are safe. However, many of our brothers and sisters in Christ have lost their homes and possessions. The Perkins Church of Christ sponsors the Brandells in their efforts there. Eric and Shawnda are appealing to all of us to help with the disaster there. We have set up a special fund for this effort and all funds will be used to aid the affected families in Vanuatu. There are several ways to contribute. If you would like, you can donate online through the link provided here. Second, you can donate by sending donations to:
Perkins Church of Christ
P.O. Box 128
Perkins, OK 74059
Please tag these donations "Church of Christ Vanuatu Disaster Relief".
We hope that you will consider passing this appeal to your family and friends, even if they are not familiar with the work in Vanuatu. There are so many people who are hurting and it is our hope that God will be given the glory for all of the efforts you provide.
For the latest on-site information you may want to visit:
https://www.facebook.com/ericandshawnda or
www.missionvanuatu.com or www.missionvanuatu.blogspot.com
Thank you so much in advance.
Eric and Shawnda Brandell and family
Mike Bale & James Moore, elders for the Perkins Church of Christ