Gavin Marquez Memorial Fund
2 Day Celebration of Life of Gavin Marquez
March 26, 2015
El Camino Memorial
Mortuary and Cemetery
5600 Carroll Canyon Rd.
San Diego, CA 92121
4-6pm Viewing
7-8pm Presentation of Gavin's Life
Friday, March 27, 2015
Good Shepherd Catholic Church
8200 Gold Coast Dr.
San Diego, CA 92126
10:00am Celebration of Life Mass
Following the Mass roughly around 11:30 AM
Burial Ceremony
El Camino Memorial
Mortuary and Cemetery
5600 Carroll Canyon Rd.
San Diego, CA 92121
Reception to follow the burial ceremony at the banquet room located in the mortuary and chapel (same location as the viewing)
To get a glimpse into Gavin's life & learn more about Tay Sachs, please visit the following links: