Justice For Treven
Thank you for stopping by a visiting our page and reading Trevens story.
Why are we doing this, cause we want Justice for Treven. All money collected here will help to hire an attorney to get custody of Treven.
The paternal grandparents have raised Treven for the first 3 years of his life. Then he went to live with the maternal grandparents when he started pre-k.
Both sets of grandparents have had joint custody of Treven all that time.
The biological mother decided to take them to court to get custody of Treven. Mind you she has had another child with her live in boyfriend while still being married to the biological father.
The paternal grandparents tried to fight this from happening, but the attorney they had did nothing to try and stop this.
So they couldn't afford another attorney who would help fight to do what was right for Treven.
So in the end of all this, Treven was placed in the custody of his biological mother.
The mother hasn't even had Treven for 6 months, and it was the biological fathers weekend for Treven. The grandparent went to pick him up like they always do and noticed that Treven had bruises down along his face and under his neck. You could clearly see they were finger prints along the neck. Treven was asked what had happend and he told what his mother had done to him. I can not get into detail of what happend because of the legal corses that have taken place which included the Mother getting Fellony Charges pressed on her and the boyfriend. But I'll talk about that more later in this post.
So back to where I was. Treven was complaining of a sore throat, so the grandparents took Treven to the E.R.
The Doctor seen the bruises and Treven told the doctor the exact same thing he had told the grandparents.
The doctor then sent the paper work to get the legal proceedings started.
The grandparents where then told to take the child to the police department as soon as they left the E.R.
Which they did. While at the police station Treven told the police and a D.H.S worker the same thing he had told the grandparents and the doctor.
He has also told other family members the exact same thing.
So in all, the D.A. issued a warrent for the mother and the boyfriend. The Mother is being charged with Fellony abuse to a minor with enjury. And the boyfriend is being charged with enabaling abuse to a minor with enjury.
We have got to have an attorney who will protect Treven this time. A 4 year old child should not have to go through this.
We are asking for any help we can get to help raise the money for the attorney.
Thank you for reading our story and lets get
Justice For Treven!!!