Play for Progress
We are raising money for a new program that will use Dungeons & Dragons to help young people who have experienced trauma in some form. Our goal is to use the game to help rebuild trust and improve well-being for adolescents who have been victimized, are struggling with substance use problems of their own or of someone close to them, have mental health problems, or have been violent themselves. We are starting September 2019 in our first high school and will need money to buy Player Handbooks and potentially other supplemental books, dice, playmats, a whiteboard and markers, miniatures, and any other supporting materials to run the game and make it as much of an immersive experience as possible for the kids.
From there, our long-term goal is to open a physical center using storytelling games and writing workshops to help people of all age groups who are dealing with mental health problems, including but not limited to those who have been victimized, abused, and/or are dealing with substance use issues. Your donation goes towards allowing us to become truly sustainable.