Chris West Cancer medical fund
Chris will be 17 in August. He's been battling stage IV cancer since June 2011. Relapsed 8/12 and 10/13. He started his third battle in October 2013. He's been in active treatment dealing with complications of bone marrow transplatnt (from 5/14) ever since. He was hospitalized in May 2015 with pneumonia and shortly after getting out his hickman line broke and needed repair. Within a week he had a line infection and was hospitalized to treat. During that week, his graft vs host disease (complication from transplant) flared causing significant decline in lung function. Currently inpatient at Levine's (July 8) since June 25th. Due to the extensive time of treatment, we have exhausted savings, borrowed against husbands retirement and used up all his paid leave to survive and cover overwhelming costs. We have adjusted the goal to cover expenses while Brian is out on leave without pay. If/when Chris gets out he will be seen in clinic 2-3 times a week still while we see if the damage can be repaired and the gvh kept in control, We are also going to try to help Chris do somethings/go places he has always dreamed. We appreciate any help and thank everyone that has donated over the course of his treatment. The West Family