Generation Muay Thai: Project TL
Here is your chance to be apart of our Journey! We need your help to make our Project happen, teaching the Timorese Youth the art of Muay Thai, basic sport, health Education and inspire the next generation of Athletes!
We want to inspire the next generation of Timorese athletes to get active and change the social stigma martial arts and
Muaythai has as a sport. This gofundme page will help benefit my team and myself getting to Timor-Leste and subsidise the cost of running the program. These funds will assist in covering the costs for logistic, travel fees and sports equipment that will be left for the children and donations, which will be given to a local sporting clubs in need.
I will continue to promote Timor Leste in a positive light!
You can keep up to date with info and what we done and future projects on the link below
Like my Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/timoreseassassin
I appreciate your time that you have taken in visiting my gofundme page and I would not be able to do this without your
support, every dollar counts!