Glory To Thee Health Center Mbua
The pictures below show how the women and children of Mbua Village in Cameroon, my hometown are suffering. Pregnant women have to walk 14 hours from the main road where the women pictured below are standing to the nearest clinic for medical attention. As shown in the image above, when women face difficulties during delivery, the men in the village have to carry them on a stretcher to the nearest clinic. Most of time these women do not make it. The life span for most kids is between the ages of 0-5 years. Gathering clean, quality water in the village is particularly difficult during the dry season, as shown in the image below. One of the goals of the Esther Generation Prayer Life Ministry, Inc. is to build the village’s own health care center to help the men women and children of Mbua gain access to quality health care. This Center will be named “Glory to thee Health Center.”
People can make donations with hospital materials and/or cash. Materials like beds, gloves, hospital equipment, everything needed to build the health center to everything a grass roots hospital building would need.
Above: A home in Mbua Village, located in Cameroon, taken on December 25th, 2014.
Above: Women pose on the main road in Mbua Village, located in Cameroon, on December 25th, 2014.
Above: Children gather water in Mbua Village, located in Cameroon, on December 25th, 2014 during the dry season.