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Quarters Crossing Borders

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9 North White is doing a Thanksgiving food drive for 3 counties on the Kentucky and West Virginia border, two of which are home to musician Tyler Childers and W.B. Walker of W.B. Walker's Old Soul Radio Show. The area has been ravaged by unemployment from decreasing coal jobs which has added to an already astonishing poverty rate and an opioid epidemic that rivals any in the country. These communities produced 2 people who mean a whole lot to us, their fans.  We won't stand by while they struggle.

In addition to the food drive, 9 North White will be giving an academic scholarship to a student in Kentucky and West Virginia if we meet our goal.

We are working with three of the local food banks and they estimate it will cost $60 to sponsor one family. Anything will help! If you start saving a quarter a day now you will be able to take care of one family this Thanksgiving.  Let's show them what their fans can do!


Auburn, KY

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