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Relay for Life walkathon

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Relay for Life is an organization created by the American Cancer Society dedicated to fighting cancer, which organizes fundraising events in several different countries. 

We (sophomores Anna Novoselov and Emilie Zhou) had an idea of creating a miniature, Relay for Life event at our school, Saratoga High. We want to help raise awareness for cancer and find ways to help raise money for The American Cancer Society.

It has been approved and will take place on May 25, 2018 on the Saratoga High track and football field from 2:00-7:00 p.m. Community members and students will be able to create care packages, find out information about the local summer Relay for Life, learn about cancer, participate in activities, hear motivational speakers, and walk around the track to show their support for those battling cancer, survivors, and their families.

All donations are greatly appreciated and any amount would help. 
100% of the donations would be used for the event, and any extra amount will be donated directly to the American Cancer Society. 

We hope that you will help make this event a success.

Thank you to Anisha Byri for her support of the event and ideas.

Organisator und Spendenbegünstigter

Anna Novoselov
Saratoga, CA
Konstantyn Novoselov

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