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SOME SAY SAPPHO: A project by Carol Muske-Dukes, Cecilia Woloch, Kate Gale, Sara Ballantine, Mischa Cantu, Terrence Scott, & Hannah Sanghee Park

We are raising funds to make a film titled "Some Say Sappho" (echoing a poem fragment)- bringing the poetic silences and gaps among the brilliant fragments into visual imagery that will reflect her poetic thinking.
“Violet-haired, pure – with a smile like honey” - Alcaeus. Images of Sappho, a Greek lyric poet, born on Lesbos around 610 B.C. - whose passionate lyric poems to and about women exist now only in fragments – have also been filtered through contemporary consciousness.
Who was Sappho? Sappho was a poet who wrote songs for choruses (sung at public events in ancient Greece)—OR she was a teacher (and lover) of young women – OR she was a prostitute – all of these possibilities have been examined by scholars, with conflicting minimal evidence.
Is it possible to see her through the lens of the present – through feminist politics, lesbian-defined – or is Sappho only a name and a voice?
Do we have to know “who” she was at all – beyond this timeless lyrical voice? “Our” filmic Sappho will answer that question – or will evade it - but she will appear before you: playing her ancient cithara (a lyre, an ancestor of the guitar) under a full moon, singing of “what she loves most on this earth” – or rapping (& trying stand-up comedy) in contemporary dress, in today’s Los Angeles.
Money raised here will go directly towards the film's production and post production expenses. That means film equipment, cast & crew, production design, costume, makeup, and festival entry fees.
We are a group of poets, professors, students, actors - all based in L.A. The Team:
Carol Muske-Dukes
Cecilia Woloch
Kate Gale
Sara Ballantine
Mischa Cantu
Terrence Scott
We know that you’re besieged daily by requests for donations. But here’s a request to make Sappho’s poems accessible to a new audience – to “see” her and “hear” her on film. We will list anyone who donates in the credits (unless anonymity is preferred).
Donation levels: for a $1,000 contribution, you will be eligible for a "walk on" part, if you are interested.
A $5,000 contribution will generate a speaking part. Higher levels of support will receive above title credit - and more.
For now, Sappho is waiting for your call:
“The moon has set, and the Pleiades. Midnight comes. I sleep alone.”

Carol Muske- Dukes
Los Angeles, CA