Sarah Allison's Treatment Fund
Sarah is a beautiful, lively, God-fearing 27 year old woman - wife to Jordan, and mother to Gideon (1). Sarah was diagnosed with a golf ball size brain tumor in November after having a seizure. She had surgery the following week, and the surgeon was able to achieve a gross total ressection (in other words, all of the tumor he could see was removed)! The doctors suspected that her tumor was benign. When the pathology report came back a few weeks later, it was discovered that her tumor was a grade 3 anaplastic astrocytoma - which means cancer. Although the tumor was removed, there could still be cancer cells remaining, causing regrowth - thus, the doctors are recommending an agressive treatment plan.
Sarah has defied many odds already with the tumor she has - the fact that she was asymptomatic, the tumor was fully removed and she recovered PERFECTLY from the surgery - is all very rare. She is young, strong and healthy - and most importantly she has put all of her faith and trust in GOD. We are believing that Sarah will have complete healing!
Sarah and Jordan have been seeking God's will for a path of treatment, have met with multiple doctors and have felt God leading them to use an alternative cancer therapy that involves a major lifestyle change for them. This will be very costly, and will be an ongoing cost over the next few years.
We (Sarah's family) are laying down our pride and coming to all of our friends and family asking for your financial support during this time (along with your prayers and emotional support!). Any amount that you can give will be a blessing, and all money raised will go directly to Jordan and Sarah. We are praising God in advance for all of you - and cannot express our thanks enough to all of those who have already given in many ways - you will never understand how much your support means to all of us!
"Carry each other's burdens, and in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ." Galations 6:2
If you want to read more of Sarah's story, follow her husband's blog here:
Learn about purchasing a wristband in support of Sarah!
Throughout the entire journey Sarah has felt God speaking to her very intimately - and what He has told her from the start is that He wants her to "Be A Vessel". We know that cancer was not part of God's plan for Sarah, but we believe that He can use this trial to grow her faith and the faith of many others. We are asking that you join with Sarah and "Be A Vessel" - in prayer for Sarah, and also in your own life. You can purchase a "Be A Vessel" wristband for $5.00 to support Sarah (anyone who gives $5.00 or more will receive one).
"Therefore, if anyone cleanses himself from these things, he will be a vessel for honor, sanctified, useful to the Master, prepared for every good work."
2 Timothy 2:21
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