Help Save My Puppies Life
Hi, this is Renae Farr and I'm here to raise funds to try and save my dog Kujo.
The other day my Chihuahua was attacked by a dog. We took him to the vet where they cleaned him up and took x-rays. They believed that he was in critical condition. Both his upper and lower jaw were broken as well as his nose, and his cornea had been scratched. We had to pay $450 for that vet bill only to be told Kujo would need additional medical attention. We had to take him to an emergency veternarian clinic where they kept him over night and gave him antibiotics and pain medicine. That was another $450.
Today when I went to check up on his condition, the surgeon said that Kujo would need to have his mouth wired shut and be fed through a feeding tube until his jaw has recovered. I asked what the cost would be and with surgery, meds, and overnight stay we would possibly need to pay an additional $1500.
I have had this dog for almost 5 years. I rescued him from an abusive owner and not only have I been a blessing to him, but he a blessing to me as well. I can't afford any additional medical treatment on my own at the moment. I've applied for loans and have not had success.
Now I'm asking out of the kindness of your heart to help me help Kujo fight this battle. Anything would truly help. I thank you for your time and generosity.