SCORRE Conference
Donation protected
20 years...
For 20 years I lived on this earth clueless. completely and utterly ignorant of my purpose on this earth. For most of it, I was convinced I didn't even have a purpose. I grew up in the church but I never had a relationship with God.
The end of 2015 is when I was at my lowest. Depression was running rampant in my life. Anxiety became prominent, panic attacks occured on a weekly basis. I felt helpless. I ran to just about anything I could find to keep all of it away. Drugs, alcohol, pornography, anything to try to keep this overwhelming force at bay, because I was almost sure that if I didnt find some kind of coping mechanism it would overtake me, and destroy me mentally.
Would it ever end? At the end of 2016 I had officially been dealing with deep depression for around 3 to 4 years. The anxiety and panic attacks I had been dealing with for a year. But I didnt see a light out of the tunnel. It felt so dark, and hopeless, I felt there was nowhere to run.
Just then, I decided to give my faith in God one more shot, and this time giving it all I got, I started earnestly seeking God, became apart of an accountability group, and started slowly developing a relationship with Him. Then God introduced a couple to me, that God used to change my life around in one instant. I now knew what it felt like, to have a real relationship with God. I now knew what it was like, to feel his presence and have him work in my own life, and I now knew that God healed all of my mental issues.
Depression - GONE
Anxiety - GONE
Addiction - GONE
Insomnia - GONE
God started working in my life in ways I couldn't imagine. But He started telling me not to keep my story private. That He wants to use it to bring others to him.
You see... a lot of motivational speakers have gone through worse times in their life I will admit. But I feel my story has something than many others lack. Relatability. I know what its like to go through depression and other mental problems, just like any other normal teenager goes through these problems. Many of them dont know how to deal with all of it.
Growing up, nobody teaches you how to deal with depression. Nobody teaches you how to stop a panic attack. Nobody teaches you what to do with your pain, only to ignore it.
God has laid on my heart with conviction, a goal, a mission if you will, to speak to other teenagers in the US about developing a relationship with God, in hopes that they will pursue him and receive the same healing that I received.
This campaign was created to raise money for a conference that I will be attending called the SCORRE conference. There, I will develop my communication skills so as to deliver powerful speeches to teenagers and change lives.
The SCORRE conference will be held in Pennsylvania from September 11-14. This will cost me $2800 including the conference, plane ticket, and hotel. So I am asking you to please support me in this endeavor. I really feel like this is what I am called to do as a career and any amount of donation means the world to me as you send me to this conference. Thank you so much for your support, below is an introduction video to the SCORRE conference.
Again thank you for your donation, I am really looking forward to attending this conference.
For 20 years I lived on this earth clueless. completely and utterly ignorant of my purpose on this earth. For most of it, I was convinced I didn't even have a purpose. I grew up in the church but I never had a relationship with God.
The end of 2015 is when I was at my lowest. Depression was running rampant in my life. Anxiety became prominent, panic attacks occured on a weekly basis. I felt helpless. I ran to just about anything I could find to keep all of it away. Drugs, alcohol, pornography, anything to try to keep this overwhelming force at bay, because I was almost sure that if I didnt find some kind of coping mechanism it would overtake me, and destroy me mentally.
Would it ever end? At the end of 2016 I had officially been dealing with deep depression for around 3 to 4 years. The anxiety and panic attacks I had been dealing with for a year. But I didnt see a light out of the tunnel. It felt so dark, and hopeless, I felt there was nowhere to run.
Just then, I decided to give my faith in God one more shot, and this time giving it all I got, I started earnestly seeking God, became apart of an accountability group, and started slowly developing a relationship with Him. Then God introduced a couple to me, that God used to change my life around in one instant. I now knew what it felt like, to have a real relationship with God. I now knew what it was like, to feel his presence and have him work in my own life, and I now knew that God healed all of my mental issues.
Depression - GONE
Anxiety - GONE
Addiction - GONE
Insomnia - GONE
God started working in my life in ways I couldn't imagine. But He started telling me not to keep my story private. That He wants to use it to bring others to him.
You see... a lot of motivational speakers have gone through worse times in their life I will admit. But I feel my story has something than many others lack. Relatability. I know what its like to go through depression and other mental problems, just like any other normal teenager goes through these problems. Many of them dont know how to deal with all of it.
Growing up, nobody teaches you how to deal with depression. Nobody teaches you how to stop a panic attack. Nobody teaches you what to do with your pain, only to ignore it.
God has laid on my heart with conviction, a goal, a mission if you will, to speak to other teenagers in the US about developing a relationship with God, in hopes that they will pursue him and receive the same healing that I received.
This campaign was created to raise money for a conference that I will be attending called the SCORRE conference. There, I will develop my communication skills so as to deliver powerful speeches to teenagers and change lives.
The SCORRE conference will be held in Pennsylvania from September 11-14. This will cost me $2800 including the conference, plane ticket, and hotel. So I am asking you to please support me in this endeavor. I really feel like this is what I am called to do as a career and any amount of donation means the world to me as you send me to this conference. Thank you so much for your support, below is an introduction video to the SCORRE conference.
Again thank you for your donation, I am really looking forward to attending this conference.
Kyal Lanum
Colorado Springs, CO