Song's of Scotland
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Hey y'all! I’m Rachael Thomas, mama to three precious nuggets (see cute photo) and wife to one dapper gentleman (also pictured). In addition to these roles, I'm a worship leader, songwriter, and overall food enthusiast who fangirls great coffee and talking to Jesus in the car (or wherever else I can hear myself think!).
For the past few years, my heart has sought to know what it means to be a woman in leadership; specifically, in the Church. The more I dive into His word, the more hopeful, expectant, and confidant I become that God takes great delight in His daughters ministering and proclaiming the good news of His Kingdom! In fact, I believe we’re entering a redeemed season for women in leadership; specifically, in the Church.
My journey has led me to an incredible support group of worship leaders, songwriters, and women of all ages and stages called Brave Worship. Through them, a God-breathed opportunity has presented itself. This September, I’ll be joining 15 sisters from Brave Worship on an incredible adventure called "Songs of Scotland."
"What is the purpose of this trip?” you wonder. Well, I’m so excited to tell you!
We have two main goals:
1. To scout potential opportunities for female songwriters and worship leaders between the church in America and the church in Scotland. The founders of Brave Worship have a unique history with Andrew and Jill Mitchell (owners of Carberry Tower in Edinburgh) that God has used to help pave the way for future ministry opportunities.
2. To dedicate concentrated time to writing songs for our churches. From visiting places like Edinburgh, Oban (where the great revival of 1742 occurred) and the Island of Iona, we’ll learn the history of Christianity and its impact today. This will serve as an intensive in church history, Biblical study, and an advanced song-writing class.
“How can you be involved in this journey?” you ask. I'm seeking people who are called as my "sending team." There are a couple ways you can do that:
· First and foremost, through prayer: It’s vital to know every step is covered by friends and family. It would mean the world to know you're petitioning God on our behalf (and for my hubs as he holds down the fort with our littles)!
· The second is through finances: I'm sure you know a trip like this can get expensive quickly. Each team member will need to provide funding for their airfare and ground transportation, lodging, meals, and tour expenses.
Honestly, y’all, I've already come up with every excuse as to why I shouldn't go, but I sense God saying, “Take a step of faith and trust Me with every detail.” So, here I go!
I'm so grateful for your support and hand in my life. Thank you.
Psalm 139

Rachael Thomas
Plano, TX