Helgi's 300mi Journey for Spondylitis Association of America
Donation protected
Hi, Folks! We are getting close to our goal, but we still need your help to create a meaningful documentary film that also supports SAA.
I am setting my sights on my 15th +200 finish, which will be at Destination Trail's new 304-mile point-to-point endurance run called the Arizona Monster 300, this April 4th thru 11th. The course traverses a large portion of the Sonoran Desert. The race starts in Superior, just east of Phoenix and goes south all of the way to Patagonia, near the Arizona-Mexico border. Official Course Map
As in integral part of this "Monster" Fundraiser for Spondylitis Association of America (SAA), those who support spondylitis and arthritis awareness AND this project will help us tell our story of the inaugural year of this adventure through film making.
To tell the story, I have teamed up with Alex Haubrich, who is focused on diving deep into telling this compelling story through film.
Sonoran Odyssey - 300 Miles of Grit and Glory will showcase the journey of Helgi and his support team through multiple physical and mental hurdles to get to the daunting finish line, providing inspiration for the audience along the way. Our film will offer a front row seat on what it takes to endure relentless forward progress for multiple days and nights for the purpose of achieving the finish line and inspiring others to take a chance on themselves.

Helgi fighting to finish the 2021 Moab 240, covering 2,850 human-powered miles in 61 days to earn his second Triple Crown
Any donation amount will help. A share will also help. Let's band together and show our support for a project that is sure to inspire. In order to be successful, we need a bit of extra help, and so does the SAA in order to fund research and help spondylitis patients in so many ways.
25% of all donations to this project will go directly to the Spondylitis Association of America (SAA). After expenses for the project are met, 100% of the donations will go to SAA.

Charitable Receipts are available upon request for the percentage that goes to SAA. After making your donation, please contact Helgi to request a charitable receipt.

The funds received, less the donations to SAA, will be used solely for the purpose of producing this documentary. There will be no profit. We want people to be excited to support a compelling story that highlights inspiration from the ultrarunning community, while supporting an organization dear to my heart.
As an Ambassador for Toebeans Therapy, which is an initiative to empower people to fundraise for causes, we have joined forces to create a fun contest for any person who wants to support this project and finds value in what we are doing as well as anyone just looking to win the awesome prizes. Each of my 304 miles is up for a minimum donation of $10. Donors may claim up to 5 miles to give them a better chance at winning the prizes. Miles will be randomly assigned to the donor. My Strava data will be collected for the whole race and prizes will be awarded based on my highest and lowest average heart rate and gradient-adjusted-pace (GAP) for each section. Contest winners will be notified after the race. More info at Toebeans Therapy
Thanks so much for your time,
Helgi Olafson


Helgi Olafson
Green Valley, AZ