Stone Soup 2016
Donation protected
In 2013, New Orleans based historian Sarah Borealis produced and co-directed a documentary film about a Mexican culinary tradition called "Stone Soup." She invited the star of the film, Chef César Gachupin de Díos, to visit Louisiana and prepare stone soup for her local community to commemorate the film's US premiere. Since then, "The Path of Stone Soup" documentary has been screened at food and film festivals in more than 15 countries!
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dZEtjZkHftkStone Soup featured on Bizarre Foods
In previous years we have raised enough funds from the NOLA community to bring Chef César and his son Victor to Vaughan's for a weeklong pop-up event. The last culinary residency in Big Chris Songy's kitchen was an overwhelming success- we sold out all four nights!
This year, on the TENTH ANNIVERSARY of the premiere of our award winning documentary, "The Path of Stone Soup," we are inviting members of the Gachupin family back to host a pre-Hispanic pop-up at iconic Vaughan´s Lounge and with this campaign we are asking your help to defray the travel and lodging expenses for bringing Victor Gachupin and his brother Sem back to New Orleans during the second week of March, 2023.

Elisema, César and Victor Gachupin in NOLA, 2013
With your generous participation, the Gachupines will once again join us in New Orleans for a special series of events to include a screening of our 24 minute documentary film, cooking demonstrations, music, and of course, TASTINGS of their delicious and organic ritual recipe for traditional STONE SOUP! We are over the moon happy to announce that once again fresh gulf seafood for the event will be sponsored by our friends at Annamarie Shrimp of Montegut, Louisiana.

Download the hauntingly beautiful theme song from The Path of Stone Soup soundtrack here:
In short, if you attended our previous pre-pandemic events in New Orleans and enjoyed yourself, it is safe to say this year's Stone Soup Pop-Up will be a lovely family style reunion bringing our Oaxaca family back to the Gulf Coast to serve their millenial dish for local audiences. Tickets will go on sale to the general public starting in late February, but this is your chance to become involved as a cultural producer by helping to sponsor the event!
In New Orleans we know the power of food and community- and bringing the Gachupin family back to Louisiana this fall will be a major homecoming event. With your generous support, Victor and Sem will spend a week of November in residence at Vaughan's Lounge, where they will be hosted by the incomparable duo Cindy and Big Chris.
We hope that you will consider participating, and also share our campaign with your friends and family members interested in food, culture, and celebrating the beautiful rituals of everyday life! If you attended last year's pop-up, chances are you can think of at least one person who would be thrilled by the experience...
To learn more about the Stone Soup project, click on the following links:
Sarah K Borealis
New Orleans, LA