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Last Friday, Oct 7, we--Carissa Halston and Randolph Pfaff; cofounders, editors, and publishers of Aforementioned Productions--were in a car accident. The car was a rental (we were going to a friend's wedding), and while we have collision insurance, we don't have liability insurance.
Neither of us have been to the hospital, though we both sustained minor injuries. But one of the reasons we didn't go to the ER is we honestly can't afford it. We pay for our insurance entirely on our own (that is, not through an employer).
And we pay for Aforementioned the same way. With the exception of preorders, we pay for everything on our own. We've worked for free for eleven years, and we've lost money every year. We produced 24 online issues of apt in the first five years, and five years of weekly content after that. Five years of Literary Firsts. Nine books over six years. Hundreds of writers' work: edited, proofread, designed, packaged, published, hosted, curated. For free.
We know we're not alone in this. We know how it goes: non-profits are labors of love.
The problem is we suddenly can't afford ours.
And the fact is: we are Aforementioned. If we run into a financial problem, it makes it nearly impossible to continue funding AP.
Since starting in 2005, we've never asked for financial assistance. We've never had a fundraiser. We've always paid for whatever we needed on our own. Over and above donating thousands of free hours, we've paid for web hosting, printing books, paying apt contributors, shipping materials and shipping costs, business cards, advertisements, book release parties, attending trade conferences, exhibiting at book fairs, travel and lodging for both, etc.
At this point, we've invested tens of thousands of dollars into AP. And despite that investment, it's still really difficult even asking for help. We wouldn't do it if we thought we could avoid it. But right now, we need your support. We need help paying for the projects we've committed to producing in the next three months.
Namely, a very large expense: we're producing a limited run of White Rabbit Red Rabbit at Oberon in November. The show will cost more than $4500 to produce.
We're also publishing Krysten Hill's monumental debut, How Her Spirit Got Out, in December. And in January, we're putting out the seventh print annual of apt.
These are expenses we had accounted for--until last Friday.
To be clear, these projects are going to happen regardless of how much money we raise, but the truth is that future projects are in jeopardy because of the car accident.
We don't want Aforementioned's successes to be contingent on our financial situation. We're looking into possible ways to secure financial stability once we get out of this rough patch, but in the meantime, if you have the means to help out, we'd really appreciate your support.
If you're in the Boston area, the best way you can support us is by buying a ticket to see White Rabbit Red Rabbit. The show is running Nov 14, Nov 15, and Nov 16. Tickets are $20-$30. And if you need a reason to see the show, just check out the press and the cast.

If you're not in Boston (or can't make the show), you can still support us in four ways:
1/You can send us a tax-deductible donation via this page! No matter how small (honestly), we appreciate every donation. And if you're really committed to helping us out, you can even set up a recurring payment.
2/You can preorder Krysten Hill's urgent, necessary debut, How Her Spirit Got Out, which Jill McDonough praised: "These poems are a middle finger tucked into the hip pocket of your favorite dress."

3/You can subscribe to apt: three years for just $30! And issue 7 is shaping up to be great--with work by Joanna Ruocco, Sonja Condit, Gregory Crosby, and more!

4/You can buy back issues of apt or any of our critically acclaimed, award-winning books!

If you've ever enjoyed any of our books, or a story or poem or essay at apt, if you've ever attended a Literary Firsts reading, or one of our book release parties, if you've ever come to one of our events and had a really great time, we hope you'll support us now that we need it most.
And if you've already ordered a book or bought a ticket to WRRR, thank you. We couldn't continue running AP without your help.
With immense gratitude,
Carissa Halston and Randolph Pfaff
Aforementioned Productions
Neither of us have been to the hospital, though we both sustained minor injuries. But one of the reasons we didn't go to the ER is we honestly can't afford it. We pay for our insurance entirely on our own (that is, not through an employer).
And we pay for Aforementioned the same way. With the exception of preorders, we pay for everything on our own. We've worked for free for eleven years, and we've lost money every year. We produced 24 online issues of apt in the first five years, and five years of weekly content after that. Five years of Literary Firsts. Nine books over six years. Hundreds of writers' work: edited, proofread, designed, packaged, published, hosted, curated. For free.
We know we're not alone in this. We know how it goes: non-profits are labors of love.
The problem is we suddenly can't afford ours.
And the fact is: we are Aforementioned. If we run into a financial problem, it makes it nearly impossible to continue funding AP.
Since starting in 2005, we've never asked for financial assistance. We've never had a fundraiser. We've always paid for whatever we needed on our own. Over and above donating thousands of free hours, we've paid for web hosting, printing books, paying apt contributors, shipping materials and shipping costs, business cards, advertisements, book release parties, attending trade conferences, exhibiting at book fairs, travel and lodging for both, etc.
At this point, we've invested tens of thousands of dollars into AP. And despite that investment, it's still really difficult even asking for help. We wouldn't do it if we thought we could avoid it. But right now, we need your support. We need help paying for the projects we've committed to producing in the next three months.
Namely, a very large expense: we're producing a limited run of White Rabbit Red Rabbit at Oberon in November. The show will cost more than $4500 to produce.
We're also publishing Krysten Hill's monumental debut, How Her Spirit Got Out, in December. And in January, we're putting out the seventh print annual of apt.
These are expenses we had accounted for--until last Friday.
To be clear, these projects are going to happen regardless of how much money we raise, but the truth is that future projects are in jeopardy because of the car accident.
We don't want Aforementioned's successes to be contingent on our financial situation. We're looking into possible ways to secure financial stability once we get out of this rough patch, but in the meantime, if you have the means to help out, we'd really appreciate your support.
If you're in the Boston area, the best way you can support us is by buying a ticket to see White Rabbit Red Rabbit. The show is running Nov 14, Nov 15, and Nov 16. Tickets are $20-$30. And if you need a reason to see the show, just check out the press and the cast.

If you're not in Boston (or can't make the show), you can still support us in four ways:
1/You can send us a tax-deductible donation via this page! No matter how small (honestly), we appreciate every donation. And if you're really committed to helping us out, you can even set up a recurring payment.
2/You can preorder Krysten Hill's urgent, necessary debut, How Her Spirit Got Out, which Jill McDonough praised: "These poems are a middle finger tucked into the hip pocket of your favorite dress."

3/You can subscribe to apt: three years for just $30! And issue 7 is shaping up to be great--with work by Joanna Ruocco, Sonja Condit, Gregory Crosby, and more!

4/You can buy back issues of apt or any of our critically acclaimed, award-winning books!

If you've ever enjoyed any of our books, or a story or poem or essay at apt, if you've ever attended a Literary Firsts reading, or one of our book release parties, if you've ever come to one of our events and had a really great time, we hope you'll support us now that we need it most.
And if you've already ordered a book or bought a ticket to WRRR, thank you. We couldn't continue running AP without your help.
With immense gratitude,
Carissa Halston and Randolph Pfaff
Aforementioned Productions
Carissa Halston
Boston, MA
Aforementioned Productions, Inc.