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Please support our dear friend Shanthi

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Dear friends,

You all know that our dear friend Shanthi has  been diagnosed with blood cancer in 2011 and was done with treatment in July 2011. But the disease was relapsed in April2012 and the doctor's gave her least chances of survival...
The only option for her to be completely cured and out of this is to get her bone marrow transplanted..and since she is the only child, she will have to search for a donor. And this cost's 60 lakhs. The doctor's have asked her family  to deposit the total amount initially and then they would begin to search for the appropriate donor and start the treatment.We all know how difficult it would be to accumulate such a large amount and we could all come together in this situation and show our support and help Shanthi. 

Every drop makes an ocean, so please share as much as you can. 

Thank You



  • Laxmi Rajender Duddu
    • $50
    • 12 yrs


Shalini Reddy
Dallas, TX

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