Suzel 23, Savaged Face In Dog Attack
Donation protected

I am a 23 year old girl who has sustained serious facial injuries when I was attacked by a Staffordshire-pit bull. It was a friends dog, and the owner's actively encouraged me to make friends with their dog during the day out before they put it back in their car.
A few hours later I opened the car door to get my bag and the dog lunged towards me and I felt it lock around my face. The realisation that it was attacking me started when I heard it's horrible growl, and then to my horror it began to shake and shake and shake like I was an animal it was trying to kill.
When it let go I fell backwards and my instant reaction was to feel my face, and I could feel the holes and could feel part of my nose was hanging off. I can't recall the details of what happened next, I remember hallincating, and being terrified it would come back for me again.
I was taken to a hospital and my Medicare (Australia health care) gave me cover to get stitches. I remember looking in the mirror afterwards and my face was swollen so badly I hardly recognised myself. As the dog had bitten me so deeply I had nerve damage which caused my face to lose it's shape, and sadly Medicare didn't cover any of the further surgery I was told I needed. I got basic plastic surgery, however as I was out of work I could not afford anything more.
The dog owner has sent me one message since his dog attacked me saying 'my dog is not aggressive', and three days after the attack he posted his dog in Instagram running around children on a beach. The owner has not offered an emotional or financial apology, instead removing me on all social media.
I have always been really good with my finances but this year I have struggled. I am trying to save for reconstructive surgery, but I am in a difficult position as I was out of work for 3 months after the attack whilst incurring the medical bills my Medicare didn't cover. I am saving to have the second round of surgery which includes reconstructive surgery to my lip and nose as soon as possible so I can focus on my long term recovery.
Emotionally I have battled for hard 6 months to get where I am, but financially I am still a long way behind. If I reach my target of £10,000 I will be able to pay off my medical bills from this year and afford the final round of reconstructive surgery.
Any support means the world to me, it really does, I am trying so hard to get my life back to where it was. Thank you for reading this far.
Suzel Mackintosh