Ten Commandments Monument Projects
UPDATE August 7, 2018:
We have updated our GoFundMe project campaign name to "Ten Commandments Monument Projects" to reflect the fact that the Arkansas monument project is now completed and we are moving forward with other monument requests. We believe it is important to continue contact with all of you as our donors by updating this page rather than deleting it and starting over so you can continue to see updates on the Arkansas monument as the legal battle unfolds and important updates need to be shared with you about our efforts. Please also go to our website as well at www.americanhistoryandheritage.org
On April 8, 2015, the Arkansas General Assembly passed SB939 - THE TEN COMMANDMENTS MONUMENT ACT and the Governor of Arkansas signed the bill into law becoming ACT 1231.
The law states the "placing of a monument to the Ten Commandments on the grounds of the Arkansas State Capitol would help the people of the United States and of the State of Arkansas to know the Ten Commandments as the moral foundation of the law," and that the monument would be paid for by private donations.
The American History & Heritage Foundation, Inc. is a non-profit organization dedicated to educating and informing the public about American history and heritage. Our organization is proud to be the private sponsor of the The Ten Commandments Monument that will be installed on the grounds of the Arkansas State Capitol.
Picture of Ten Commandments Monument on the grounds of the Texas State Capitol - the Arkansas monument will be an exact replica of this monument which was upheld by the U.S. Supreme Court in Van Orden v. Perry.
We have a project quote for the completion of the monument, freight, installation and other expenses totalling $12,635 and project that we need to raise another $5,000 to handle any incidental expenses related to this project for a total need of $17,635.
We have already received $1,000 in donations so we need to raise $16,635 - and we are inviting you to participate in this "monumental" project by donating any amount today. We know that many people want to participate so they can be a part of this important project and support the right of the American people to recognize the Ten Commandments as the moral foundation of law in the United States of America.
We need to raise these funds in the next 2 weeks to keep our project on schedule.
The legilsative findings in the bill read as follows:
"The Arkansas General Assembly finds that:
The Ten Commandments, found in the Bible at Exodus 20:1-17 and Deuteronomy 5:6-21, are an important component of the moral foundation of the laws and legal system of the United States of America and of the State of Arkansas;
The courts of the United States of America and of various states frequently cite the Ten Commandments in published decisions;
The Ten Commandments represent a philosophy of government held by many of the founders of this nation and by many Arkansans and other Americans today, that God has ordained civil government and has delegated
limited authority to civil government, that God has limited the authority of civil government, and that God has endowed people with certain unalienable rights, including life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness;
In order that they may understand and appreciate the basis principles of the American system of government, the people of the United States of America and of the State of Arkansas need to identify the Ten Commandments, one of many sources, as influencing the development of what has
become modern law; and The placing of a monument to the Ten Commandments on the grounds of the Arkansas State Capitol would help the people of the United States and of the State of Arkansas to know the Ten Commandments as the moral foundation of the law."
The law further states that the "Arkansas Secretary of State shall arrange for the monument to be designed, constructed, and placed on the State Capitol grounds by private entities at no expense to the State of Arkansas" and that the "monument shal be placed on the State Capitol grounds where there are other monuments."
The U.S. Supreme Court building has a number of places where there are images of Moses with the Ten Commandments. Moses is included among the great lawgivers in Herman MacNeil's marble sculpture group on the east front. As you enter the Supreme Court courtroom, the two huge doors have the Ten Commandments engraved on each lower portion of each door and a display of the Ten Commandments is also engraved over the chair of the Chief Justice."
Please show your support and join us by donating $5, $10, $20 or any amount you choose to this project and be a part of helping us install the first of many Ten Commandments Monuments that the American History & Heritage Foundation, Inc. has pledged to help install at locations all across the United States. There will be many more monuments in the future, but this is our first and we want you to be a part of it.
We thank you and appreciate your support!
Board of Directors
A full copy of the legislation can be viewed at: http://www.arkleg.state.ar.us/assembly/2015/2015R/Acts/Act1231.pdf
The American History & Heritage Foundation, Inc. is a non-profit corporation registered in the state of Arkansas: http://www.sos.arkansas.gov/corps/search_corps.php?DETAIL=447528&corp_type_id=&corp_name=american+history+%26+heritage+foundation&agent_search=&agent_city=&agent_state=&filing_number=&cmd=