In The Name of God, The Most Beneficient, The Most Merciful.
We are connecting with our Muslim community in large numbers. It is changing the way Islam is being portrayed all over the world. Young Muslims in our era are in need of role models who can connect them to their deen. We represent the Deen Squad and we truly believe that we can make a difference in the world.
Our Goals:
Our goal is to inspire the youth to pray, fulfill all their responsibilities as Muslims and volunteer their time to help give back to their community. We believe in this dream and by Allah, we strive to make all of it happen.
Alone we can only do so much, but together, as a community, we can accomplish anything!
Remember, everytime you help someone convert to Islam or be a support to help them fulfill good deeds, you are entitled to receive a great reward from God in this Dunya and the hereafter.
Baqarah, verse 274:
Those who (in charity) spend of their goods by night and by day, in secret and in public, have their reward with their Lord: on them shall be no fear, nor shall they grieve.
We have confirmed that with this budget, the Deen Squad will be able to visit different cities all over the world to spread their peaceful message. With this budget acheived, we could produce greater content for the youth to engage with. We want to creatively educate them and motivate them to pray their Salat, pay their zakat and excercise their good nature of being Muslims.
We need your help to make all of this happen!
Where did this idea come from?
2015 was a big success for the boys. We have reached an international scale as our video "Muslim man" reached over 50 Million People on Facebook, making it on news channels around the whole world.
Karter Zaher and Jae Deen 's Facebook pages have collectively accumulated over 1 million fans who are engaged and we want these numbers to grow bigger inshAllah. We are now receiving hundreds of messages and emails from kids, parents and organizations all around the world who see the result of our work and are asking us to continue what we are doing.
This is why we are so inspired to keep pushing forward and all we ask is for a helping hand from our brothers and sisters in Islam.
What kind of effect our work will have ?
Help the youth find themselves, and inspire them to embrace their religious beliefs. Also help other non muslim kids to live in harmony and peace with the muslim kids. We are creating an understanding between our community and others.
A large population in the Western World are being stereotyped , neglected and excluded. Our music helps educate the world about the true beauty of Islam.
What you should do right now!
1. Donate any amount you want, or please pick from the rewards below.
2. Share this on Facebook/Twitter & contact your family and friends who will contribute to this journey.
Guiding our youth is not a small matter, and Allah's promise to greatly reward you for your charity is indeed true.
Surah Baqarah, verse 110 :
And be steadfast in prayer and regular in charity: And whatever good ye send forth for your souls before you, ye shall find it with Allah: for Allah sees Well all that ye do.