Main fundraiser photo

Toppler™ Phase 3 of 5

Donation protected

The current, small scale, development of Toppler™ is now 100% funded. No donations are needed to help my personal effort or my Toppler™ effort. You may still donate $10.00 or more to gain VIP Early Access to Toppler™ or to take advantage of the other rewards offered for donating as many like to do. However, I no longer need donations. Any donation (if any) now go to Toppler development.


July 4, 2017: Happy 4th everyone!

People create GoFundMe campaigns for a number of reasons. For me, it was almost this time last year when it was a personal fight for survival, after a company rooked me for tens of thousands of dollars. Thankfully, people sent in their donation gifts to help my personal cause, helped me save what was left after my losses, and inadvertently helped me save my product offering, Toppler™, because I was able to continue my development efforts while I hunted for a new contract in software engineering. Fast forward to today, it's been 6 months since I announced the new contract I landed, which has made it possible for me to continue development, do payback rewards, and naturally to keep my head above water. I have also been able to keep servers and vendor services running without interruption, and the wheels are finally starting to turn again! The best part is, any donations that do come in can go to rewards and new developments with Toppler™.

Stay tuned for new updates on Toppler™ Light™, reward upgrades and more! I no longer need donations, but if you want to donate for the sake of doing so, or you want VIP access on product release, please feel free to do so.




Toppler™ is more than a patent-pending platform that gives you a way to manage and achieve your goals and dreams, that then renders resources to help you achieve them. It's more than a way to create visual books, that allows you to add affirmations, as well as your favorite inspirational videos and images that relate to the visual representation of your goals and dreams. It's even more than a platform that gives you several ways to spread your current goals and message on a massive scale with your custom created tribes (groups of friends, family, work, elite, etc). It’s that Toppler™ provides you the tools that physically - not metaphorically - help you win with your objectives! What’s the best part? Toppler™ is FREE!




Looking for an early access invitation for Toppler™? Great, because you are in the right place! Simply donate just $10.00 or more and get an invitation sent to you for instant Early VIP Access! Only donors have access to Toppler™ until the release date! Donating NOW gives you the most benefits!



"Toppler™ is the World's First Ever Success Engine!™ Our goal is to ensure you can easily, privately & securely manage the lists of things that make up your day-to-day life, while giving you optional ways to transform the products and/or services you offer into valuable resources that help others on Toppler™ users achieve, to enhance your online profile to better position the things that make you unique, while equipping you with next generation social networking capabilities to rally others around your personal or business brand objectives on a massive scale! What's the best part? Toppler™ is FREE!"

Toppler™ works by allowing you to manage your goals, dreams, and bucket lists privately. Then, Toppler™ renders resources that help you achieve them. Even then, though, you also gain Topplets™ just for using Toppler™ (posting stuff; videos, posts, visual books, images, etc). Topplets are Toppler's point system you can use to unlock special features, use as coins in future games, and you can even use them to obtain real world products and services to achieve your goals from other Toppler users, businesses and resource providers.

There are also several cool features to help make it all fun such as Bucketlists, Visual Books™, Video Harness™ and Top Deck™.



I must give an old friend, Gary Vaynerchuk, a very special thanks for being one of the first to throw down a Toppler™ Elite donation, and supporting me and the Toppler™ Project Initiative before any other Elite donor. #Respect #Humbled #Hustle. In addition, I must also thank the newest Toppler™ Elite donors such as Paul Haarman, Peter Howlett, Piero Atachao, Noel Zapata, and Patrick Gallagher for their equally important elite donations!

Donate NOW!


I must also give, Peter Howlett (on left), a special thanks for donating the biggest donation to date ($4,000)! There is no way I (on right) could have covered late June's initiatives without his support!

Donate NOW!


There is absolutely no way we would have gotten this far without the donors who put me and Toppler™ before themselves. Despite current financial situation or initial equivocation, you put faith in me, my future, and the future of my product offering, Toppler™. For that, your names are forever etched into my brain, here, and on our Doorway Lobby Obelisk.

Special Thanks To The Following:

Amanda McKinney
Amie Pierce
Andy Grant
Alison Leach
Alison Copeland
Alvin Claiborne
Billi Weltmer - Three Times!
Bobby Rose - Three Times!
Bonnie Billings - Three Times!
Caren Barravecchio - Twice!
Carol Devitt - Twice!
Carolyn Perry
Carrie Beth Noseworthy
Caryl DeHerrera
Casey Truelson
Cassie Rose – Twice!
Chris Gallagher – Four Times!
Chris Tracey - Four Times!
Chrissy Spring
Christian-Joy Kahler
Corrine DePatra - Twice!
Curtis Cann
Dan Nickerson
Danielle Bardsley
Dawn Rivers - Seven Times! + - Received Quadruple July 5 Deal
David Markunas
Edward McGrath – Twice!
Eric Catalano
Erik Silvestri
Gary Vaynerchuk
Heather Anne Mahoney
Heather Rubino
Jason DiMare - Twice!
Jason Rutkauskas
Jason Silvestri
Jay Piecha
Jayme Rutkauskas
Jen Camillo
Jennifer Anderson
Jennifer Bornstein - Twice!
Jennifer Palmer Donohue
Jonathan Leach
John McDonald
John Peterson
Julie B
Kathy Buccella-Lyon
Kathy Woods
Kevin Ronan
Kim Eyerly - Twice!
Kim Snyder
Kirsty Disipio
Kristal Baker
Kristie Griffin
Kristin Rutkauskas
Linda Silvestri
Margaret Jefferson – Twice!
Margaret (Peggy) McGrath – Twice!
Mark Silvestri
Matthew Gannon
Matthew Manders
Melissa Cann
Melissa Costa
Michael Atherton
Michael Burnham
Michael Cole
Michael Rosata
Nathan Valladares
Noel Zapata - Four Times!
OD (a.k.a. Kevin O'Donnell)
Paul Haarman
Paul Silvestri
Paul Studenski
Piero Atachao - TEN Times! + Received Quadruple July 5 Deal
Peter Howlett
Rob Dziadosz
Sana Ahmed
Sandra Mason Billadeau
Sarah Cunningham - Received Quadruple July 5 Deal
Tami Pechulis
Tina Morris
Tone Floreal
Wesley Rogers - Donated on his birthday

Donate NOW!


The majority of what you need to know about Toppler™ and this campaign has been explained above. However, below are extra details on all things if you would like to learn more and we always recommend reading the disclaimer at the end of the page and/or any other details that can better help you decide whether or not you want to donate to this epic and insanely rewarding campaign! In addition, you can also visit the Toppler™ website for more information too, located at!

Donate NOW!


What are Topplets™ you might ask? Well, Topplets™ are Toppler's social currency. Businesses who advertise with Toppler™ will often accept Topplets™ as a form of payment on the products, services and resources they provide, because they can also use Topplets to advertise, create promotions, choose how many units of inventory they are allowing Topplets to be a form of payment over cash/credit, and more! So, not only do you have a platform that is FREE, but you can actually buy the products, services and resources these companies advertise on Toppler with your Topplets. Now, you are getting real things to achieve your goals and dreams at a fraction of the cost, and sometimes even free! So, you can see why people are donating and receiving that huge head start.



Toppler™ isn't going LIVE to the public until the release date . However, any donor (you) who donates gets early access today!

1) Donate as little as $10.00 by going here: Donate NOW!

2) A team member will reach out to you with a special early access invitation and register link that only people with an invitation can access Toppler (that's you!)

3) Choose the handle you want as your display name/vanity URL, which becomes automatically verified (like you see on Twitter and Facebook)

4) You are granted early access to Toppler™, and all rewards are displayed to your account.

5) Sit back, relax, enjoy the rewards and check out all the cool features being developed by Toppler™!

See Rewards Below And/Or To The Right!


Staying Anonymous:
If you want to donate, but don't want the street cred, you can choose "Anonymous" when donating. I will surely send you a thank you, but no one else will know you donated.


The "Doorway Lobby Obelisk" ($10 or more):

Once all funding is completed, every person who donates to Toppler™ will have their name on the "Doorway Lobby Obelisk"; a 4 sided plaque that will be erected by the entrance of the Toppler™ workplace. The obelisk will forever be a reminder to all of whom walk through the door, great things can happen when you ask for help. So at a minimum, you’d be part of the legacy, right? In addition, you are also immediately given recognition on this page, and on our social network covers.

Donate NOW!

Toppler™ Early Access ($10 or more):

Anyone who donates $10.00 or more to the Toppler™ cause will also get an immediate Toppler™ account that becomes. Plus, you get the "Early Adopters" badge. Only donors get this badge, so you'll be one of only a few people out of millions of people that will have the badge. In fact, you as donors couldn't be here at a better time in history. It's amazing what we and you are doing with Toppler™! We hope you are enjoying what's coming out each day like we do. 

Donate NOW!

Toppler™ $3K Drive ($25 or more):

Any person who donates $25 or more gets entered into the $3K Drive, which puts you in a good chance of walking home with $3,000 once the Phase 3 campaign is over! Each time you donate you are entered in again. Those who donate $100 or more automatically get entered again for each additional $100 that is donated. For example, if someone throws down $300 and walks away, they will be entered 3 times.

The drive will be held exactly 2 weeks after we reach our total goal at the end of Phase 3. A ticket(serial number) is then drawn, and the winner receives the $3,000 prize!

Donate NOW!

Toppler™ Verified Accounts ($25 or more) NEW!:

That's right! People who donate $25 or more to the Toppler cause get automatic verified accounts! This is something you will not get so easily in the future! All verified account holders have a "Verified" badge on their profile.

Donate NOW!

Matched  in Topplets™ ($100 or more):

Even though Topplets™ are not required for you to use Toppler™, because Toppler™ is a FREE to use application, anyone who donates $100.00 or more to the Toppler™ cause will also get matched every dollar you donate with Topplets™. What are Topplets™? Topplets™ are the currency of Toppler™ that is used to obtain real World products and services, to activate early access features, and more!

Plus, of course, you are entered into the $3K Drive, you get your name etched into the Doorway Lobby Obelisk, Early Toppler™ Access!

Donate NOW!

Toppler™ Elite, Matched in Topplets™ & More! ($1,000 or more!):

There was a tribe group created on Toppler™ that only elite donators are a part of (Donators who donate $1,000 or more). Not only will you have the label associated to your Toppler™ user account (you get a "Toppler Elite" Badge; only donors get this badge, so you'll be one of only a few people out of millions of people that will have the badge), but when we launch features that are directed at crowd connectivity and volume tools, the Toppler™ Elites get access to these features before anyone else! Toppler's first interaction of Toppler™ Top Deck™ is a good example of an elites-try-first user interface. Plus, any person who donates $1,000.00 will get matched that amount in Topplets™ to use however they want. For example, if you donate $1,000.00 you get $1,000.00 worth of Topplets™.

Donate NOW!

Feel free to read this short disclaimer so you are 100% certain on why I have this campaign and how I am using it. Most people use GoFundMe to raise funds for that personal vacation, to fix that tooth, or to buy that car. Toppler™ and I are leveraging it to create the Toppler™ startup, while rewarding people in all kinds of ways as described above. So, if for any reason what-so-ever you feel weird about the request or you simply don't want to donate, please, do not donate. We completely understand. Of course, it is absolutely needed, but we don't want anyone to feel uncomfortable about doing so. There is, however, plenty of information provided for you on this Toppler™ GoFundMe page that should answer, most, if not all of your questions.

We try our very best to let the community know of any changes to the Toppler™ product, GoFundMe page, etc, via updates and other means. Generally, we give 30 days advance on a major change, and a reasonable amount of days advance for much smaller, less important, updates.

Do Donations Support You and Toppler™?:
Yes, you are supporting Jason personally. Although, donations are not needed at this time, because Jason funds 100% of Toppler development. Some people still donate for the rewards and VIP access when Toppler™ is released. Now, donations (if any) go to Toppler™ development.

Risk on ROI:
The Toppler™ campaign offers all kinds of rewards just for donating. Unlike other GoFundMe campaigns that just ask for donations with little to no rewards, the Toppler™ campaign offers everything from verified accounts to cash back rewards. Moreover, Toppler™ offered “single” and even “double” cash back rewards for those who donated in the spring and summer of 2016. We also offer a $3K Drive reward that all donors are entered into for donating; a drive scheduled to take place in Phase 3. We even offer multiple of Topplets™ which in our opinion is more valuable than cash back rewards. Even then, we may even come back with the “single” & “double” cash back rewards in early January 2017, depending on how the campaign moves along. The moral of the story is that we want to give as much as we can to those who donate. Many people consider these rewards as a form of investment. Like any investment, there are risks. A lot of things can happen that we are not anticipating, such as not enough funding raised, loss of current or future funding, problems with development or resources, and other unfortunate situations that we cannot foresee at this time. After all, Toppler™ is a self-funded startup the relies 100% on GoFundMe donations to survive and continue development. Due to the many risks that can occur, Toppler™ and/or Jason Silvestri cannot guarantee any or all funds can be paid back in a timely manner or at all for that matter. And although we have steadily kept to all our promises with all our rewards and have even started several rewards, including cash back rewards ahead of schedule (The "80% of all funds raised in December go to cashback rewards to donors" Christmas promotion is a great example of this extra effort we are doing). Still, it is only assumed that it will be possible we can make all cash back and/or other rewards successfully. There is no guarantee, and there is no guarantee of success. However, we are doing a great job of doing everything possible to ensure the success of all aspects of the campaign. We will continue to do so until we are done fundraising.

Donate NOW!



  • Rich Gaski
    • $10
    • 8 yrs
  • Jason Silvestri
    • $3,345 (Offline)
    • 8 yrs
  • Big Show
    • $232 (Offline)
    • 8 yrs
  • Piero Atachao
    • $20
    • 8 yrs
  • Anonymous
    • $100 (Offline)
    • 8 yrs


Jay Silvestri
Mansfield, MA

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