A TRAIL OF 3 CITIES in Cyprus! Over a period of 7 days, starting on October 16th 2019, Sue, Auriana and Lynda will be walking 200km Carole is part of the team and when not walking with them, she will be driving behind providing support. These four friends, with an average age of 61½, will be walking from Kyrenia (Girne) to Famagusta (Gazimağusa) to Nicosia (Lefkosa) and back to Kyrenia (Girne). Their aim is to raise as much money as possible for a very worthy cause in North Cyprus - Tulips (Help Those with Cancer Association) also known as Kanser Hastalarına Yardım Derneği. The Tulips charity was set up by Raziye Kocaismail in 1993 and it is the Association’s work that set up the Oncology Unit at Lefkosa State Hospital and it is fund raising activities that is paying for patient support. Currently 208,000 Turkish Lira (nearly £30,000) is needed every month to help a growing number of cancer patients. For a number of years Tulips have held events during Pink October, with a series of fundraising activities throughout the month and to raise awareness of the importance of check ups and early diagnosis, this walk will take place as part of this year's Pink October events.