Tukaone Projects Tanzania
Donation protected

Gandhi inspired people to be the change they wish to see in the world. It is from that proposition that I was inspired to be somewhere and do something, despite the fact that I could never go everywhere and do everything I would wish to do in the world. And there is much to do. In an era of "fakeness" there are hard realities that need our attention. Americas standing in the world is suffering. There is a sense of hopelessness and fear. Despite westerners having all the advantages in the world, there is nevertheless a sense of being adrift and directionless. Western lives become ever more compartmentalized, and despite ever growing technological social entanglements we become ever more estranged from ourselves, our fellows, and our natural world.
Meanwhile the vast majority of humanity struggles merely to survive. Lacking basic economic and educational opportunities, they make do with what little they have. Despite that, indeed perhaps because of it, community is a central part of life. Ingenuity and hard work are valued and even though resources are limited and meager, they dream of better lives.
I started Walk Around the World as a blog to feature my travels to Africa in 2001. During my travels, I went to small villages and schools, buying supplies and assisting in whatever ways I could. The story of finding my friend Johnny Mwakalinga at his small dilapidated school in a small village in Tanzania would come to have a profound effect on my life. I realized how incredibly easy it is to be of enormous help to people who aspire to help themselves, if they just get a hand-up and had the opportunity to succeed. I came to understand that educational, public health, and economic development are intrinsically connected, and without fostering these simultaneously, there is no hope for a better future.
So in 2016, I founded Walk Around the World, LLC, to promote and foster economic, educational, and public health opportunities in the developing world. Our first project, in conjunction with my friend Johnny Mwalkalinga and other Tanzanian locals, was the creation of Tukaone Projects, Ltd., a Tanzanian Company dedicated to promoting economic development in Tanzania beginning with a 15 acre rice and maize farm. Tukaone Projects would can use your assistance to help better lives. Please become a sponsor and directly contribute to the well-being of the people of Tanzania.
Be part of the change you wish to see in the world. Be somewhere. Do something.
Background - In the summer of 2016, Walk Around the World, LLC became a 49% shareholder in Tukaone Projects Limited, a Tanzanian company established to promote economic, agricultural, and educational development in Tanzania. As a result of my experiences with Johnny Mansur Mwakalinga and the Gift of Language School when I traveled to Tanzania in 2001, and John’s tireless efforts to help his country over the subsequent fifteen years, beginning in late 2015, we began to discuss ways to work together on a new development project. After much planning and research, we created TuKAoNe Projects Limited.

The Mission and Purpose of TuKAoNe Projects Limited is to promote economic development and create self-sustainable communities through agricultural projects, educational projects, and by offering financial assistance to local businesses. Tukaone is Swahili for "let's go see!" which exactly what Tukaone Projects is all about - taking a journey together to see what we can accomplish.
Our first project is an agricultural project, specifically a rice and maize farm in the area north of Hembeti village. Hembeti is in Mvomero Division of Morogoro Region in Tanzania. Hembeti’s economic activities include fishing, pastoral activities, and agriculture.

In 2017 - 2018 Tukaone Projects purchased 15 acres of land just north of Hembeti, Tanzania. The fertile land is well suited for growing rice and maize. A small part of it (about 20%) has small hills (high lands) suitable for growing maize and for building structures (such as a storage building) and it is very safe from water/river flooding. The low lands (about 80%) are suitable for flood irrigation for growing rice.

The source of water for the farm is from the Dizingwi River which eventually pours its water into Wami River. The Dizingwi river has clean water which can be used to drink, cook, and for bathing, as it is a river that keeps water for the whole year around. It is also possible some of the high land could be for future use in establishing schools and other businesses.

Need for Sponsors - Tukaone Projects is looking for sponsors for primarily two purposes:
1. Acquiring an internationally recognized Title Deed (approximately $1400 USD needed)
2. Farm infrastructure (approximately $1600 USD needed)
Acquiring a Title Deed - When the 15 acre farm was purchased, TuKAoNe Projects Ltd acquired a Customary Right of Occupancy (CRO). Under a Customary Right of Occupancy, the Land is owned by the Village Council Government, so the ownership rights are confirmed and authorized only within Mvomero District Council (District Land and Natural Resources Department) after receiving a Board Resolution Minutes from The Village Council Board that it has resolved to award the Customary Right of Ownership to TuKAoNe. With this type of occupancy, the document has no international value, as its applicability and recognition is only within Tanzanian borders.
Tukaone Projects needs to get a “Right of Occupancy” for the farmland as that is an internationally recognized document and the land has more value and wider applicability with this type of ownership. The Right of Occupancy given to farm lands is the same as a Title Deed (Right of Occupancy = Title Deed). In order to get the Title deed, The Village Council Board must convene a meeting of all Village members (maybe take a 2 to 3 days meeting) to prepare resolutions and minutes to be submitted to the Chief Commissioner of Land at The Tanzanian Ministry of Land and Natural Resources in Dar es Salaam, directing The Ministry to grant a Title Deed to TuKAoNe. Here, the farmland gets registered at Land Commissioners Office and gets recognized by The Tanzanian Investment Centre (TIC). During these few days of the Village Council meeting, they are usually paid some form of allowances from a Land Buyer. The total estimated costs of accomplishing the above is approximately $1400 USD.
Farm Infrastructure - While a portion of the land has been cleared for planting, there is more work to be done preparing the land for production to begin. In addition to further clearing, infrastructure design and building of an irrigation system and a storage building are necessary. Approximately $1600 USD is initially needed for designing and building essential farm infrastructure.
Sponsor Rewards - As a thank you for our sponsors, Tukaone Projects and Walk Around the World have coordinated with local artists to provide sponsors, who wish to, with rewards ranging from local Tanzanian arts to having sponsor names/logos emblazoned on our Hembeti office and farm signage. Other rewards even include special personalized thank you messages from Tanzania.

- all sponsors/contributors will receive a thank you email and be listed on the Sponsor Page at walkaroundtheworld.com;
- sponsors/contributors of $30 or more may receive a beaded bracelet made by local Tanzanian artists;
- sponsors/contributors of $60 or more may receive a small wooden carving (such as a lion, rhino, or elephant) made by local Tanzanian artists;
- sponsors/contributors of $150 or more may receive a hand painted canvas painting made by local Tanzanian artists;
- sponsors/contributors of at least $50 or more may have their name/logo emblazoned on the Tukaone Projects Ltd.'s office in Hembeti and on farm signage (images of which will be featured on walkaroundtheworld.com and our social media pages) as well as featuring prominently on the Sponsor Page at walkaroundtheworld.com and receiving a special personalized thank you message from Tanzania.
Note: Sponsors/Contributors who wish to receive rewards must contact me to make arrangements. Tangible rewards, such as arts, will be shipped from the United States.

Thank you for becoming a sponsor! Your sponsorship means local Tanzanians can earn an income while contributing to the public and economic health of the region.
You cannot be everywhere and do everything.
You can be somewhere and do something.
Be somewhere. Do something.
Jeremy Theoret, Esq.
Director, Tukaone Projects, Ltd. (a Tanzanian Corporation)
Managing Member, Walk Around the World, LLC (a New Mexico LLC)
Walk Around the World, LLC was established to develop and promote education, public health, and economic development in local communities needing assistance. Walk Around the World’s mission is to develop, establish, promote and/or maintain local businesses, public health, and educational entities around the world via various entertainment media. We recognize that local and global economic opportunity, public health, and educational opportunity are all bound together. We also recognize that opportunities are not equally distributed. Walk Around the World’s vision is to use the power of entertainment media to provide real world investment in our world and futures.
Jeremy Theoret
Albuquerque, NM