Camera review fund
Hello and thanks for reading htis!
As many of you will know, I do not do camera reviews for manufacturers. Ever. I have at times been paid by companies like DJI to do presenting on their launch videos or Miller for "look at" videos but these are not reviews. They offer no opinion.
My camera reviews, like this one are always independent, are never compromised by anyone and are mostly done on cameras I have actually bought, like this one. They are generally done entirely in my free time for no financial compensation. They are very costly things in relation to my time and other expense.
Occasionally I get subsidised by CVP.COM, dealers in the UK, which do help but only cover a fraction of the cost of my time in making these and I am very grateful to them .
These camera reviews generally take at least 2 solid weeks of work, this is the main reason why they are so infrequent, I simply don't have enough time to make them even though I enjoy making them. Financially I cannot take two weeks off to make reviews as much as I would like to! I have tried using Vimeo Tip Jar and it is enabled on the Vimeo page for this on their site. Sadly if doesn't work, rarely bringing in much more than $200 a time.
That is why I am using GoFundMe. This fund is to help me make future camera reviews. There are so many cameras coming out there and if I can take time to make them then I will. I am not out to make money out of these reviews as such, I am simply hoping to cover my costs and keep my business afloat and pay my bills!
This figure doesn't represent any specific number of reviews. It's an arbitrary figure. I will keep it up on future reviews pages and hopefully this will work out so I can do more than the two camera reviews I did in 2014!
Thanks for your support!