Bikes for Vietnam Kids
Donation protected
This fund is for underprivileged Vietnamese children. The hills by the Ho Chi Minh Trail in Vietnam are filled with some of the most impoverished families in Vietnam. These families have horror stories of the after effects from the Vietnam War. Agent Orange has caused terrible problems for just about every family up there, as well as unexploded bombs that still kill many people every month. There are many schools in the small villages along the Ho Chi Minh trail that do an excellent job teaching the local children. The problem is that there are hundreds, if not thousands, of children that can’t get to school because they have no transportation and their families are too deprived to get them there. These children live about 10-15 kilometers away from the schools and desperately need bikes to get to school.
My name is Mark O’Connor, I served in the Infantry in Vietnam from July 12th, 1970 to Sept 23rd 1971. I’ve helped build 2 schools in Vietnam since then, one in 2009 and one in 2013. This is my way of giving back to the kids in Vietnam, they are the innocent ones. Last year I was able to provide 61 bikes for the kids there. I only put a small dent in this huge problem. This year I would like to provide 200-300 bikes that are desperately needed by these children. With your help we can make this happen. Thank you for any consideration.
My name is Mark O’Connor, I served in the Infantry in Vietnam from July 12th, 1970 to Sept 23rd 1971. I’ve helped build 2 schools in Vietnam since then, one in 2009 and one in 2013. This is my way of giving back to the kids in Vietnam, they are the innocent ones. Last year I was able to provide 61 bikes for the kids there. I only put a small dent in this huge problem. This year I would like to provide 200-300 bikes that are desperately needed by these children. With your help we can make this happen. Thank you for any consideration.
Mark Oconnor
Sioux Falls, SD