ABANDONED horse/Rescue horses
Looking to raise money to offer a
REWARD to the individual that
reports and turns in the person
responsible for leaving this horse
tied inside a
wrecked horsetrailer. The reward
will only be handed over when
charges are brought to the person
They wrecked it and left her there to die. This
happened Tuesday evening June
2nd around 8 pm on the frontage
road between Roggen Colo and
Keenesburg Colo just off I76. The
owner came forward and claimed
the horse but denies any reason as
why or who would take her horse.
She also claims she has no idea who
the trailer belongs to. The horse was being "boarded" at a trailer behind the Roggen Elevator. ... which means they had to take her from there as well.... someone had to see something. ..
The officers let her take the horse to another place in Keenesburg Colo.
I'm looking for the owner of this
horse trailer. And hopefully it will
lead us to the person responsible for leaving it with the horse tied inside to die.