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Terrance Fund for Matrixx Trip

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Hello and thanks for the opportunity to present this request. I’m 26 entrepreneur and athlete born in St.louis (MO) raised in Del Rio (TX).  Currently attending @sulrossstateuniveristy; my degree will be in sports science and minor in education. I feel education is key to life. While knowing Health, wealth and love are the keys to success. With the contribution I will be able to get the education, while building more skill sets, paying for college tuition most of all attending Bob Proctors MATRIXX EVENT. There I will build more business contacts with his team of professionals.  This will be another foundation layer of education; to help me progress through life get through the adversity and have the knowledge needed to build multiple streams of income also building my charity group. You have my word that I will hold my promise to finish school, and do the things I say.

Thank you.

(The matrixx 15k, MSI program 7k, tuition 8k)


Terrance King Young
Del Rio, TX

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