Wyatt's Warrior Fund
Donation protected

June 12, 2015 my son, Wyatt James, was born at 26 weeks, weighs only 1lb 2oz and is only 11-3/4" long. He was born at Florida Hospital for Children and is our little miracle baby. He will be spending the next 3 months in NICU.
My wife did not have the ideal pregnancy. Ever since the very first ultrasound, we have been told bad things from the doctor and that we needed to go for these tests or those tests. They found soft markers for Down's (Echogenic Bowel, Short Longbones, Two-Vessel Cord), they told us he was way too small and that we were very high risk. My beautiful wife was admitted to the hospital 2 weeks ago for pains in her chest region and they thought it was because of a few gallstones she had. Her blood pressure was through the roof and they thought she may have a condition called Preeclampsia. They "ruled that out" and released her. Fast forward to Thursday, June 11th, and we were back in the hospital because a high risk Doctor in Jacksonville, FL said she was suffering from a very high form of Preeclampsia. My wife was admitted to one hospital where tests were run. Those results were that her Liver and Kidneys were very elevated and her platelets were dropping fast. They began the transfer orders to send her to Florida Hospital Orlando. At that hospital they diagnosed my wife with a very severe form of Preeclampsia called HELLP Syndrome. This was due to the fact that her placenta was breaking apart and destroying her red blood cells thus causing her platelets to go everywhere trying to repair.
Friday morning, June 12th, they woke my wife and I up at 6:00am and said we have to do an emergency C-Section at 7:30am. I saw my son for the first time at 8:15am as he lay on my wife's legs. I watched the doctor cut his cord and rush him over to a group of doctors and nurses who began to work on him. I can't get out of my head the first time I saw him. How tiny he was. He is so tiny, I could fit his entire leg into my wedding band.

Today, as he lays there 4 days old, he is enclosed in an incubator set to 75% humidity and a scorching 97 degreesF. He is my little warrior. That is in fact what his name, Wyatt, means. So far he is breathing 21% oxygen (what we breath), breathing about 20 additional breaths than what they are pushing, he has beat Jandus, received a blood transfusion and has all the nurses melting all over him, haha.
This is when reality set in... my wife and I live over an hour away from this hospital and we both have full time jobs. How were we going to be with our son so he is not alone during this battle he is going through. We were told by one of the nurses in NICU that there is a Ronald McDonald House on campus for parents to stay at for $20/night. We applied for the 30 day stay and began to pray. We assumed it was a long shot. Monday morning, the day my wife was to be dicharged, we received a call that we were accepted to stay there. We began to both cry as now God had given us a way to be near our son. As I stated before, we both work full time. My wife is going to stay out there for the 30 days while I stay home during the week and work, but without her income bills will begin to pile up fast. We also don't want to stay at the Ronald McDonald House for free, even though they said they would never push anyone away who couldn't pay.
What this gofundme is for, is to help relieve my wife and I from some of the bills (medical and normal) that will begin to pile up so we can focus on our son. I would also like to be able to pay 100% of what the Ronald McDonald House was asking for per night to help with the next family like us that needs their prayers answered. This has been the hardest 4 days of my life, but I have no idea the suffering my wife must be going through after feeling like she did this when in fact she didn't.

My family needs your help to allow us to be there for our son as he fights in a battle greater than one I will ever encounter. My wife is the bravest woman and my son is the strongest person I have ever known. Anything you can give will be a blessing to us. Thank you all and God bless!
Deepest Gratitude,
Wyatt's Daddy
Walter Warning
Edgewater, FL