Anthony Samsel Food Safety Research
Donation protected

We have updated our page and expanded our research program and in need of donations for additional lab equipment and supplies. Initially, $15,000 is needed to continue the glyphosate enzyme inhibition and protein work. An LC/MS (liquid chromatography mass spec) AB Sciex API Triple Quad 4599 with Schimadzu Prominence XR costs approximately $125,000.00 used. Science is not cheap and for independent work this will take a village to attain, hence a request for donations. This equipment will be used for our continued independent research into Glyphosate and other pesticide contamination of human proteins and those of other animals. Samsel Environmental and Public Health Services is continuing this original research which has now expanded to the testing and identification of glyphosate in human proteins. Research scientist, Anthony Samsel explains: " Glyphosate the active ingredient in Roundup herbicides used in agriculture, is a synthetic amino acid that participates in biology. It becomes part of our proteins directly affecting our health. Glyphosate is a causal agent in many, many diseases including cancer. Glyphosate is one of the most ubiquitous toxins on the planet. Most food sold in the US and Canada is contaminated with glyphosate and contamination is increasing steadily in other parts of the world where it is used in food production. Glyphosate may in fact be a major cause in the rise of all modern diseases."
Several years ago, it was Samsel who first discovered in the lab that glyphosate inhibits the enzymes of humans and other animals as well as bioaccumulates in humans, by passing up the food chain through contaminated diet. Samsel also found that this could affect the quality of experimental results of scientific research studies which use animals fed glyphosate contaminated diets. He followed glyphosate from contaminated diets into the proteins of pigs, cattle, horses and laboratory animals and was the first to identify and publish results of glyphosate contamination of pet foods and lab chows using HPLC MSMS lab analysis. "People’s pets are like family members and they are getting sick at alarming rates particularly from pesticides in foods used to make pet food products." said Samsel. Some of those results were published in 2015 in the paper Glyphosate pathways to modern diseases IV: cancer and related pathologies and can be found at this link: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/283490944_Glyphosate_pathways_to_modern_diseases_IV_cancer_and_related_pathologies
His work has found that Glyphosate becomes part of the proteins of humans and other animals corrupting the protein structure and function as well as inhibiting vitally important human digestive enzymes like lipase and compromising function. It was Samsel that first alerted US agencies that Glyphosate affects the microbiota which make up to 70% of the immune system. These symbiotic microbes provide nutrients and manufacture essential B vitamins necessary for health. Such interference by glyphosate leads to malabsorption and inflammation which in turn leads to numerous diseases including cancer. Samsel's find that glyphosate inhibits the human digestive enzyme lipase is of great importance, because lipase is essential to our ability to properly digest and use fats from the diet. Its impairment leads to numerous diseases, often with fatal consequences.
This current work with proteins including enzymes by laboratory experiments and analysis is very costly and the reason we are raising money to continue the research which is ongoing and ever expanding. We quantify levels of Glyphosate contamination from human and animal tissues using ELISA and EPA approved methods of GC and High Performance Liquid Chromatography , (HPLC MSMS). Results are periodically published in peer-reviewed journals under the Samsel and Seneff glyphosate papers series. Samsel was first to identify Glyphosate as part of the proteins of animals and humans and even quantified glyphosate in the teeth of children and most recently in the spinal disc of a 40 year old patient diagnosed with age related spinal degeneration as well as the keratins of many other human subjects. We hope that this research may now lead to answers for the cause of degenerative bone diseases which often require hip and knee replacement surgery. Previously, Samsel found that glyphosate becomes part of and including the collagens and keratins of the structural proteins of pigs, cattle and horses. Samsel was the first to find glyphosate bioaccumulated in the structural proteins of humans.
Samsel was the first to identify glyphosate in:
> Human spinal discs
> Human teeth
> Human keratin
> Collagens
> Gelatins
> Digestive enzyme inhibition of Lipase by glyphosate
> Digestive enzyme contamination of pepsin and trypsin
> Bile contamination and conjugation by glyphosate
> Glyphosate in numerous vaccines including MMR II, MMR V, DTaP, Hepatitis B, Pneumonococcal, Varicella, Zostavax, Influenza
> Glyphosate in children's gummy vitamins including Disney and Flintstone's brands
> Glyphosate in Oragel for children
> Glyphosate in Jello deserts
> Glyphosate in protein powder supplements including PowerMax protein powders
> Glyphosate in honey and bee bread
> Glyphosate in honey bees both live and dead from hives suspected of CCD
> Glyphosate in Tobacco
> Glyphosate in Alcohol
> and has also found glyphosate in numerous food samples including fruits, vegetables, wheat, breads, cereals, eggs, meats, milk, coffee, tea
In 2015, Samsel was the first to test using HPLC MSMS and find glyphosate in the bodies of honey bees both live sick and dead from hives suspected of Colony Collapse Disorder (CCD) as well as the honey and bee bread from the hives. This was reported in Glyphosate VI of the Samsel and Seneff series and can be found at this link: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/316601847_Glyphosate_pathways_to_modern_diseases_VI_Prions_amyloidoses_and_autoimmune_neurological_diseases
Samsel also found and extracted the damning cancer evidence against Monsanto from their trade secret studies for attorney's suing Monsanto in California. The trial first of its kind found for the plaintiff awarding a judgement of $289 million dollars. However, the case is currently under appeal the affected victim may never live long enough to realize his payment award. The same evidence was provided to the California Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment (CA OEHHA), as well as information concerning Glyphosate's carcinogenic contaminants that can cause cancer. The extracted evidence from Monsanto documents shows that Glyphosate only caused Lymphoma in the Glyphosate treated animals of the company's 2-year animal studies.

Anthony Samsel

Samsel is also conducting independent agricultural field studies and test experiments with over 50 varieties of Genetically Engineered corn from Monsanto, DOW, Dupont and Syngenta. The purpose of these experiments is to determine potential differences between genetically engineered varieites and non-engineered varieties. Assessing possible differences in mineral, fatty acids, vitamin content or anything that may affect human health or the environment. So far, substantial differences between genetically engineered varieties and those that are not genetically engineered have been found and especially differences in mineral uptake, fatty acid content and vitamin isomers. These results will be published at the conclusion of the work at a later date.

Photo: Test plot of over 50 varieties of GM corn and non-GM corn laid out and planted. This supplies plant tissue for lab analysis all grown in the same field and same environmental conditions.
Having the same field, soils, moisture and environmental conditions comparing GM with Non-GM Heirloom varieties can show the differences in mineral, vitamin and fatty acid composition between genetic variants.
Changes in the isomers of fatty acids and vitamins and including mineral deficiencies or over expression may cause biological harm. These experiments will help us to understand these potentials.
All samples of each are analyzed by HPLC MSMS in the lab to determine what the differences are and quantify their composition.

Photo: GM corn growing on the Samsel farm for tissue analysis
Other relevant academic papers which we have written about Glyphosate are available at these links:
Glyphosate's Suppression of Cytochrome P450 Enzymes and Amino Acid Biosynthesis by the Gut Microbiome: Pathways to Modern Diseases
ARTICLE in ENTROPY 15:1416-1463 · APRIL 2013
Glyphosate, pathways to modern diseases II: Celiac sprue and gluten intolerance
Glyphosate, pathways to modern diseases III: Manganese, neurological diseases, and associated pathologies

Photo: A variety of GM corn grown for tissue analysis with Syngenta and Monsanto traits of Glyphosate and Glufosinate resistance and Bt Corn borer and root worm insecticidal traits.
Anthony Samsel
Deerfield, NH