The Un-F@$k My Life Campaign
Donation protected
For those of you who don't know, my life is currently a mess. The gist of it is, we had four people in a 4-bed apartment, one of them vanished in May (owing us several months of utilities money, and paying no rent after that), and the other one vanished in July (also owing us at least a month of utilities, opting simply not to pay his rent for the last month, and leaving us with a Hoarders-grade mess in his bedroom). The landlady refused to let us bring her new roommates and sublet or sign them onto a revised lease for the remainder of our time there, even though that had been standard procedure before, and demanded that Justine and I cough up the entire rent ourselves.
If we could have done that, believe me, there wouldn't have been two other people in the apartment to begin with. Especially not those two.
Compounding this, the landlady refused to take any partial rent payments, with the result that Justine and I are in the hole to the tune of $1160 x 2, which she is now demanding in court. We've moved out of the apartment apartment in question and out to Brighton, which has put me $1360 in the hole to someone else, because my pitiful savings had been eaten by attempting to pay for two people who weren't paying for themselves anymore.
Other things that fell by the wayside while we were trying to get ourselves out of this mess were the various utility bills, on which we're still in the red by about $300. (The only people we managed to pay in full and on time were Comcast, because I need internet in order to work.) I'm also $30 in the hole to BPL, because sometimes you need to use LinkPass money for groceries, and even I can't haul twenty pounds of books from Sullivan to Copley on foot. Justine gets a LinkPass through work, but I don't, and they're $75, which is far less expensive than trying to pay fares one by one.
I have also been having medical problems, partly due to the stress from this; while MassHealth will eventually cover most of things like the ER visit and the followup appointments, I've dropped about $100 on prescriptions intended to keep me alive and kicking, and I've had to put off a $150 optometrist appointment so I can get my damn contacts back. The computer is also making suspicious fan noises from time to time, but I'm trying to ignore that.
By the standards of the outside world, we're not in THAT much debt. I work freelance in creative fields and do not make much at the best of times, and a fun assortment of dysautonomic stuff has kept me from working much if at all over the past few months. I know it's not as exciting as funding indie films and art projects and voluntourism to Africa, but I'd REALLY like to not owe people money I don't have.
If we could have done that, believe me, there wouldn't have been two other people in the apartment to begin with. Especially not those two.
Compounding this, the landlady refused to take any partial rent payments, with the result that Justine and I are in the hole to the tune of $1160 x 2, which she is now demanding in court. We've moved out of the apartment apartment in question and out to Brighton, which has put me $1360 in the hole to someone else, because my pitiful savings had been eaten by attempting to pay for two people who weren't paying for themselves anymore.
Other things that fell by the wayside while we were trying to get ourselves out of this mess were the various utility bills, on which we're still in the red by about $300. (The only people we managed to pay in full and on time were Comcast, because I need internet in order to work.) I'm also $30 in the hole to BPL, because sometimes you need to use LinkPass money for groceries, and even I can't haul twenty pounds of books from Sullivan to Copley on foot. Justine gets a LinkPass through work, but I don't, and they're $75, which is far less expensive than trying to pay fares one by one.
I have also been having medical problems, partly due to the stress from this; while MassHealth will eventually cover most of things like the ER visit and the followup appointments, I've dropped about $100 on prescriptions intended to keep me alive and kicking, and I've had to put off a $150 optometrist appointment so I can get my damn contacts back. The computer is also making suspicious fan noises from time to time, but I'm trying to ignore that.
By the standards of the outside world, we're not in THAT much debt. I work freelance in creative fields and do not make much at the best of times, and a fun assortment of dysautonomic stuff has kept me from working much if at all over the past few months. I know it's not as exciting as funding indie films and art projects and voluntourism to Africa, but I'd REALLY like to not owe people money I don't have.
Circe Rowan
Boston, MA