Clean up the Caribbean
Hello from Nadine, Danielle, Barney and Leve! We are the Submarine With Wheels. A group of friends living in a converted school bus rolling our home across 14 countries from Chile to Canada!
Since the start of the Submarine With Wheels adventure, we have always noticed the shocking amount of rubbish dumped literally anywhere. Seeing the damage that plastic litter causes for land and marine life and the lack of education about rubbish in South America, provoked us to take litter into our own hands and start ‘Clean up the Caribbean’ Campaign.
Leve made a short video about our campaign. See below.
VIDEO LINK: https://youtu.be/vuWbDIQSa9w
We believe litter is everyone’s responsibility. To wake up in paradise is bliss but to see the array of rubbish and plastic in the ocean, on the side of the road and on the ground is sad. We want to reach as many people as possible, influencing younger generations, locals and travellers to unite forces and make a difference!
Travelling was something we each needed to do with our lives and for different reasons we did. What bought us all together was Nadine’s epic dream. Buy a school bus, convert it into a home and begin a journey we would never forget. In just three months, fuelled by beer, blood, sweat and tears, ‘she’ became ‘we’ and thus the Submarine With Wheels was born. Lead by all the things we’ve experienced together, Leve made a short film to share our history:
VIDEO LINK: https://youtu.be/ttcAu54G7aY
With ‘Clean up the Caribbean’, every $5 donation we receive towards our go-fund-me, we will pick up 1 bag of rubbish. The greater the donation; the more rubbish we will pick up. For example: $50 = 10 bags of rubbish, $200 = 40 bags of rubbish. Our end goal is to have cleaned up a total of 800 bags of rubbish from the Caribbean and local surroundings!
We are fortunate to be able to travel, it lets us see other people’s situations and be more humble and grateful for everything we’ve got. Now its time to give something back.
‘Clean up the Caribbean’ helps to promote positive rubbish disposal and educates people to not just walk past rubbish but also pick it up. We are hoping to create a ripple effect, to be litter conscious and leave no trace of rubbish in the Caribbean.
The funds raised are used to continue our campaign across towns and countries throughout Central America. It will fill up our 150L petrol tank and any mechanical servicing we require to keep our wheels rolling .
For example: In June 2018, we shipped our bus from South America to Central America using a cargo RORO service for $3800 AUD. This was only possible to keep our adventure alive due to the kind support of our fans.
We are enjoying the effects we are having on local communities. To pass on our knowledge and continue to pick up rubbish and help the environment that we all live in. We are keeping our campaign alive until we pay back all of our shipping debts & reach Canada!
If you could get on board by making a donation then/or sharing it with your social network would be awesome and really mean a lot to us! We know that money can be tight, so please know that even $5 ‘Cleans up the Caribbean’ and gets us closer to our goal!
Whatever your support, be in the form of a donation, word-of-mouth mention to a friend/family member, or social media share, any form of help is thoroughly appreciated!
With you by our side, we can ‘Clean up the Caribbean’, and continue our dream to Canada! Live vicariously through our social media pages where you can keep up to date with our progress. Follow us!
Much love and peace,
Nadine, Danielle, Barney, Leve & The Submarine With Wheels.