Keck surviving
Hi my name is Scarlett and my husband Jake and just started this GofundMe because I had an emergency surgery on July 1, 2015 to have my appendix removed. I currently have no insurance to pay for the medical bills that will be coming in, and we need some help. Now I need money to help pay for my poor 3 yr old dog duchess. We got her from the Humane Society back in February and ever sincd she been confronted with all kinds of health problems. She was abandoned 2 times before we took her in and when i saw her pic in newspaper I had to help her. First she had the start of kennel cough and hookworms both got treated. Than she got a UTI from eating things not suppose to all the while we not knowing she had heartworms when we took her to the vet this month to get all her shots. So you can image how much financial strang this has put on us along with my medical bills. I haf to get a Credit Card specially so we could pay the almost 500 dollars for treatment. So find it in your hearts to help us keep our cute little dog alive cause without treatment she will eventually die.
My husband has Muscular Dystrophy and is in wheelchair and cannot work. I am passionate about taking care of him. We are surviving on his SSI and I've been looking for work, I do have a part time job as a substitute teacher. After going to the Hospital they referred me to a cardiologist due to stress, and infection but cannot afford the $400 fee.
The morning of July 1, I woke up at 5 am with an uncomfortable pain in my stomach. I spent the next 4 hours trying to remedy it: going to the bathroom, taking an acid reflux pill, and laying back down. Nothing worked. My husband took me to the emergency room. Doctors found dangerously high pulse rate at 156, so they ran many tests for her heart. After much time passed and they still paid little attention to the pain in her abdomen, my husband and I finally got them to perform a CT scan. They discovered acute appendicitis and scheduled me for immediate surgery.
I am very thankful that her situation is only temporary, but for the time being, it has made things nearly impossible. I am most frustrated that I can’t provide my husband with the care he needs. A friend has been staying with us to help him when I can’t, and we also have a home healthcare provider who pitches in some days. Taking care of him would be much easier if we could afford an adjustable disability assistance bed for him to raise himself up.
We’ve been struggling for years, and after this scare, I realize that if something were to happen to me, my husband would not have much help at all. He cannot sit himself up after sleep or roll over to get out of bed to go to the bathroom. We need all of your help desperately.
Now this is about our van has issues ever since we recieved it as a gift. It had many problems still has a radiator leak and other issues that will need to be address later. I have such a big heart and I am concerned with the well being of others, but now I have my own medical problems to worry about. But your tax-deductible donation can change that. If you can find it in your heart to donate and help us out, we would very much appreciate it.