Help bring Treante home
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DETROIT (WWJ) – One man was killed and a second was injured early Monday morning in a shooting in Detroit.
It happened on Pembroke, east of Wyoming, on the city’s northwest side.
WWJ’s Charlie Langton reported neighbors called police after hearing shots fired in a home.
Detroit police said the injured man was in critical condition after being “shot in the body.”
The above article was written about my son and nephew (the decedent). My son Treante who is 18 is the one they are describing as "shot in the body". My son was shot in the temple, under the chin, in the neck, and in both hands as he pleaded for his life.
On the night of the incident we were told Treante wouldn't make it through the night, then through the week. By the grace of God my son is still thriving. In May of 2014 he was hit by a drunk driver and we were told he wouldn't survive that. As a result of the accident he had to have rods placed in one leg, and a metal plate in his head. when the shooting occured he hadn't completely healed from that.
My son has undergone several surgeries since November. As a result of the gun shots, he has lost both eyes, a portion of both his skull and his brain were removed, he had to have a tracheotomy, and was fed via feeding tube for months. He is paralyzed on the left side of his body, and chances of him regainging function of it are slim to none
At this time he is making progress, and because of it, the rehabiltiation center where he currently is says he is to advanced to stay there. They are refusing to send him home until we have a tilt in space wheel chair, a hospital bed with an air loss mattress, and can show installation of a wheel chair ramp. He will also need 24 hour care
Unfortunately his insurance company (medicaid) says they can't cover any of the costs for the medical equipment for at least 90-120 days. I am appealing to the public to help bring my son home with his family, as well as to anyone that may have any information on the person that did this to speak up. I'm am saying thank you in advance for anyone that will help, and God bless you!
Kevin Oldham
Detroit, MI